Its been a few years since Ive REALLY posted something about this, - TopicsExpress


Its been a few years since Ive REALLY posted something about this, but Im excited about all the new mainstream media coverage of certain metabolic truths. My take (in simple terms): Running+High-Carbohydrate Diet (eg-cereal, pasta and chugging a Gatorade post-run (EVEN IF YOURE SKINNY))=Long-Term DANGER Running is, in the short-term, inflammatory. Heart disease, although not yet widely-believed, is caused by inflammation and how lipoproteins--LDL in particular--act on that inflammation. Without something to act on inflammation (ie-pattern b LDL), exercise seems to have a long-term anti-inflammatory effect. However, chronically-elevated blood glucose levels lead to greater inflammation on their own. This--along with glycated/oxidized LDL shifting from a pattern a buoyant particle size to a dense pattern b particle size--creates a recipe for atherosclerosis (plaque formation in the arteries). More in-depth reasoning and sources: Running (in the short-term)=Inflammatory Inflammation=essentially cracks in the endothelial cells, or the inner wall, of the arteries A carbo-loaded paradigm (ie-typical runners high-carb diet)=glycation/oxidation of LDL+more inflammation as measured by c-reactive protein (CRP) Glycated (sugar-covered)/Oxidized LDL=A Change from a large buoyant particle size (pattern a) to a small dense particle size (pattern b) Pattern b LDL damages/infiltrates the damaged endothelial cells and leads to atherosclerosis (plaque formation) that becomes stenotic (diseased) coronary artery tissue=HEART DISEASE If you have the means, its probably wise to ask for a VAP Test to determine your LDL particle size. Also, the greatest predictor of heart disease--AKA Americas Number One Killer--is HDL to triglyceride ratio. High HDL and low triglycerides are a better sign than overall cholesterol levels any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Thanks for reading! Some references:
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 00:09:01 +0000

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