Its been a minute! Niggas are getting too comfortable! Time to - TopicsExpress


Its been a minute! Niggas are getting too comfortable! Time to ruffle some feathers! #7 Dumb Niggas. I don’t care what level of education you have reached, if basic communication etiquette eludes you, you are dumb! You are really dumb, for real! No words can effectively describe the disappointment that washes over me when I give a guy my number only for him to text me something cheesy like “ey beib”. Or worse, that guy whose pick-up line is “nijeaz mresh”. Who raised you? That is abominable! If there is something I utterly loath, it is immaturity in a man. If you are past sixteen years and you still text or talk like a retard, do me a favour: stop breathing! If you are still trying to add swag to words, I hate to disappoint you but you are not old enough to date! They say first impression is the lasting impression. I saved “ey beib” dude as “the dumb idiot who can’t spell”. I hate to toot my own horn but I consider myself to be an intelligent woman. That said, I appreciate a man who can keep me on my toes when it comes to intellect. “ey beib” tells me you have a below average IQ. They is something about a man who articulates himself properly that spells class, sophistication and finesse. If you are looking to snag an intelligent female, leave that hogwash to the conductors who have made peace with the fact that the best they can do is that house help next door. Shame on you ladies, if you are blushing like an idiot because that guy you like just texted you “wart u doin beib” Get yourself some standards ASAP! #Roxanne
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 17:51:02 +0000

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