Its early for deploring, Out of all I could have said, Through - TopicsExpress


Its early for deploring, Out of all I could have said, Through Timid heart, Exploring, But I slunk down instead, Into the shadows shyly, As he passed me by, That man, perfect, and wily, And here Im asking why, I glorify A stranger, One I scarcely know, One whos cunning; caring, And leaves me naught to show, Oh, Id fracture mountain peaks, To bring him down to me, Oh, Id gather grains of sand, Endure stark monotony, For him to be my loving man, My nothing greater sort, Ive got so much potential there, But I keep falling short, & I wonder if he notices, That way, round him, I soar, Perhaps I should have told him; Its still early to deplore.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:55:08 +0000

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