Its hurt to love somone n nt to b loved inreturned,but wat is more - TopicsExpress


Its hurt to love somone n nt to b loved inreturned,but wat is more painful is to love somone n u will neva find de courage to let dat person no how u feel,may b God wants us to meet a few wrong people b4 meetin de right one,so dat wen we finally meet de right one ,we will no how to be grateful 4 dat gift,love is wen u take away de feelin,de passion,de romance frm a relationship n finds out u still care 4 dat person.A sad tin in lyf is wen u meet somone who means alot to u,n just to find out dat was neva meant to b,u just ve to let go.Wen de door of hapines closes,another one opens,but often tym we luk @ de klose door dat we dnt see de one opened for us.De best kind of frnd,is de one u can just b with n neva say a word,but walk away feelin is de best conversation u ever had.Its true dat we neva no what we ve got,till we lose it,but it is also true dat we dnt no wat ve been missin untill it arrives,Givin somone ur love dnt make it sure dat dey will love u bak,dnt espect love in return,do it to glow in their heart,but if dey dnt,b content its glows in urs.There r tins u wil love to hear ,dat u will never hear frm de person u love to hear frm,but dnt b so deaf to hear it frm de one who says it frm their heart,Never say gudbye if u still want to try, neva give up if u still feel u cant go on,never say u dnt love de person anymore if u cant let go,Love comes to those who still hope,even doe dey ve been disapointed,to those who believe ,although dey ve been betrayed,to those who needs to be loved although dey ve been hurt before,to those who ve courage n faith to build trust again,It takes only a minutes to ve a crash on somone,it takes an hour to like somone,it takes a day to love somone,but it takes a whole lyf to forget somone,Dnt go 4 looks,even dat can decieve,dnt go for wealth even dat can fades away,go 4 somone who makes u smile,bcos it takes only a smile to make a darker day to bright,hope u finds somone who makes u smile.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 08:01:21 +0000

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