Its in the Hips: Part 3 By Mark Bixby, RKC Team Leader, PCC - TopicsExpress


Its in the Hips: Part 3 By Mark Bixby, RKC Team Leader, PCC Instructor, MovNat Instructor Part three of this series on the hips continues the focus on dynamic hip action demonstrated in the second installment by implementing explosive hip drive into the Hanging Leg Raise sequence. After reading this and watching the companion video, you’ll have more control in your HLR while also running faster and jumping higher. One of the great aspects of the PCC was the camaraderie developed over the three days. As we were sharing pull-up and flag stations, as well as spotting each other on handstands and bridging, we got to constantly coach and encourage each other. This was most evident during the Century Test, where the 55 attendees rotated through four testing stations. This meant that each of us had a cheering audience to encourage us through the Century. Beth Andrews, Senior RKC and Iron Maiden (a title gained by doing a press, a pull-up and pistol with a 24 Kg. kettlebell) was the first person to pass the Century and gain her PCC certification. While the three guys next to her blew through their squats and pushups, Beth methodically did her the complete blog post: rkcblog.dragondoor/its-in-the-hips-part-3
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:10:35 +0000

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