Its interesting how we take the little things in life for granted. - TopicsExpress


Its interesting how we take the little things in life for granted. Ted has been with the Lord for alittle over a day and I find myself remembering the special little things like his laugh, the way he smiled, being held my him and special moments up in Georgia when we would just sit atop the bowl and he would just hold me in his arms and kiss the top of my head. I remember when he got bucked off his horse JD and he just smiled and told me just makes for an interesting ride. I laugh when I remember him calling me in the middle of the night because on a way to a call in the engine they hit a deer on 54 he asked if Liz and I would go and retrieve it and get it home lol it was cold that night and that deer was one big heavy sucker lol . I remember a father who was proud of his daughters no matter what they did even when they got into trouble or made a mistake in life he would just ask them Did you learn anything ? And they would always say yes dad Im not ever gonna do that again. And then he would say ok remember I love you . He was may true cowboy and such a gentle soul in so many ways and he loved the Lord more than life itself he never worried about anything always would tell me What are you worrying about God has this it will be fine. He tried to instill in others the value of a mans hand shake and always telling the truth and to always love the Lord above all things. To Bobby, Mia, Krystal, Buddy, Katie, Alex, Chelsea, Amanda, and all the other kids he loved you all so very much and worried about you guys be was so happy to see you guys happy and doing good even when mistakes in life happened he would just say they were lifes lessons. He cherished the times we would go over to Uncle Charlies and have parties and all the kids would be there Chip, Dean ,Glenda, Donnie, Matthew, Leslie, he thought often about Charlie and Leena, Kyle, Kevin, and Katie, and it tore at his heart when Charlie died. He worried and loved you all . Sometimes he would just stare off and I would say what are you thinking and he would say Im thinking about all the kids on both sides of the family yours and mine. He had moments like that, and he hated injustice not only in his personal life but also in his work place not so much for himself but for others he worked with and he always stood up for those that were being picked on. I know that the void Im feeling can and never will be filled I miss him more every hour, minute and second of every day. I know the pain will lesson with time but I also know the love that I have for him will always be strong and never will it lesson . Somethings in life come and go but love is an emotion that is strong and lasts a lifetime. So today when you look at your kids, or loved one give them a hug, a kiss, and tell them you love them then on random days at random times take the time to go do something with them. Life is short make the most of the time you have its so worth it the memories will last and help you through those days when your loved one is no longer there to hug, kiss, or just to tell them you love them. So everyone have a Blessed God Filled Day today.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:05:08 +0000

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