Its kinda REALLY long lol But I wanted to share an experience I - TopicsExpress


Its kinda REALLY long lol But I wanted to share an experience I had last week... I shared it with my brother as I emailed him and felt prompted to share it here... so the day before we moved in we were shopping at WalMart for some necessities and I wrote down all the things we needed on a piece of paper... As were putting things in the cart, Im writing down prices so I can keep track of how much everything is costing... (TRYING to stick to a budget lol) Anywho, I remember walking past this High School girl and her Mom, they made eye contact with me, so I smiled... They both smiled back... as NORMAL as that sounds (us smiling at each other) I got the WEIRDEST feeling... ALMOST like Deja Vu, but it wasnt... We kept walking and ended up in the kitchen Aisle.... about 5-10 Ten minutes later, the woman and her daughter come to the aisle we were in and ask Is this your wallet? I was soooo shocked and replied OMG Yes! Where was it? And she quickly said, in the Detergent aisle on the shelf! I realized I had been so preoccupied tallying up all the totals for things we were getting that I carelessly put down my wallet... Anyway at a time where a normal person would FREAK out, I had the most CALM feeling... like this was MEANT to happen... I immediately got the feeling that our Paths were SUPPOSE to cross... I couldnt stop THANKING her and her Daughter... She then handed me her business card and said that if I ever needed a baby sitter to call her because her daughter is a Senior in High School and is trying to make some extra money... After we went our separate ways, Linc was drilling me about how forgetful I am and how I need to stop being irresponsible because my wallet JUST so happen to have had our Money Order for our RENT that was due the next day when we moved in!! LOL Nothing was taken and I couldnt SHAKE the feeling that Everything was meant to happen just as it did.... After we left Walmart I decided to call the Lady to Thank her one more time... she didnt answer so I texted her saying that Im a Photographer and wanted to do her Daughters Senior Pictures for FREE to show my Gratitude! The next day I got a SUPER LOOONG text from her saying that before she went to bed that night, she wrote about the day she had and she felt that God was trying to reach out to her... She said shes not very Religious so she wrote down all the people she came in contact with and I was one of them... She told herself that IF I reached out to her, it would be a Sign from God saying that she NEEDED to let HIM back into her life! She told me how she sobbed as she read my text because 1. I reached out, & 2. She was in need of a Photographer to do her daughters Senior pictures and Money was tight... the only photographer she knew charges $1200 for Senior Portraits! (they live in a rich area) and I was offering to do them for FREE.... so she said Thank you for listening to whatever inspired you to reach out to me!! How did you KNOW that I needed you to?? And how did you KNOW exactly what I NEEDED? (talking about her daughter pics) She was so blown away by it and wants to meet up to talk more :) I think its AMAZING how Heavenly Father works :) How he uses US as Instruments in HIS hands... ALL apart of HIS Plan :) I am going to invite her to go watch the movie, Meet the Mormons!!!! I think that would be the most non-pressuring way to ease her way into Missionary work ;) hehe I dont feel I can change her or Convert her... Only the spirit can do that.. All I can do is BE AN EXAMPLE of what I believe... Let my Actions SPEAK Louder than my words, thats it... :) Have a BEAUTIFUL WEEK Everyone!!!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:37:33 +0000

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