Its no secret that The powers that be are traitors to the American - TopicsExpress


Its no secret that The powers that be are traitors to the American causes, as well as to other countries around the world. the people through out the world are hurting because of these things these leaders have said and done over many a year, JFK was killed in the 60s this is now into the 20th century, WE as A Nation can no longer continue to be blind to the falsehoods being put forth from our governmental bodies, and the attempts to destroy our peoples of all nations not just the United States of America., If we do we are not only blind but stupid as well. Agenda 21 shows the faces of every person in our leadership seats as being of no value to no body anywhere based upon all the falsehoods put forth. These people are criminals is the fullest sense of the word and its meanings thereof. I dont care whose father said what , But I do care that we are in the mist of lairs and criminals operating to its fullest in our own American governmental seats , yes these people are guilty of war crimes not only against our own nation but other nations as well. it is to the world benefit to find each and every elitist member, every secret society member and put them to trial and hang them. as they are truly vile and too corrupt to be of any value whats so ever to any good in man kind anywhere. and if the roman catholic church is the harbor in which offers safe sanctions to this the people needs to wake up to those facts .and deal with it accordingly. not my job to police every organization with out the aide and help of all peoples in every nation but it is our duty as common human beings through out every nation to aide in the abolishments of evil where ever found. So I am saying to the world it is in fact your duty to do the right thing according to the rules of moralities for all man kinds sake. YOU ALL KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. why IN ALMIGHTY GODS NAME , do you all tolerate the workings of evil people.??? my question , whats more why do you follow the workings of evil people.??? . and just think people I am but one person asking this question when it should be unilateral workings of all individual persons everywhere. this is not just an American battle., this is a peoples battle world wide against the evil workings of a few compared to 10 of millions of people all across every nation every where in every language known. Other nations of people needs to learn all the languages of other nations for the joint efforts of all people to join forces against this tyrannical leaders that have joined forces world wide against the common man , woman and childrens of the world for evil doings, so in my minds eyes, the common people needs to join together to purge these evil doers where ever they are found. AMEN and AMEEN , we are a common people cause for life world wide they want a united nation well they may not exactly like what happens there of when the peoples do join forces. but hey , whats good for the goose is also good for the gander, we the people are joined together wether these jackals like it or not in hearts and minds. We are most assuredly tired of their phony games to manipulate all peoples and nations so world united they want , o.k. people world united against the lairs and evil doers they shall get.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 07:51:09 +0000

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