Its no surprise America has come to the point where are today, - TopicsExpress


Its no surprise America has come to the point where are today, America was not founded on anything other than power and discrimination(the reason we have 13 original colonies is due to intolerance) America was founded by lawyers and elitist of their time wanting not be held accountable, to make the rules up as they went and clearly this is the evolution of the attitude. 50 percent of congress are millionaires, compared to 9 percent of the common population. Better yet the average net worth of a family is $120,000, the average for a US Representative is $666,000. Now I am a firm believer in working hard reaps rewards however it clearly appears the laws favor companies over hard workers. Companies receive tax breaks and post billion dollar profits yet fight providing healthcare insurance and due compensation for workers and have hired politicians that support this ideology You forget America one time also had The Federal Ratio or Three Fifths Compromise, entitling slave owners to more political muscle. Our railroads were built on the backs of immigrants with low pay and extreme hazards. The industrial revolution was brought forth by the ideas of the rich but ushered in on the backs of the poor, who worked in squalor and came home to worse. Exploitation comes to mind The reason the FDA is needed is to protect Americans from American pharmaceutical companies yet 1 in 3 Americans is on a prescription . We need the USDA to protect ourselves from American farmers and ranchers poisoning the food supply yet Monsanto is allowed to experiment on the US food source free of accountability and persecution.Seems odd to me...another example of Exploitation. Requiring all to have healthcare insurance is great, it doesnt help though if the care is still inadequate as most pharmaceutical companies and hospitals are privately owned who hire lobbyists and contribute to politicians re-election campaigns to protect their best interest not the commoners. Who are the main contributors to your vote? No politician ever will feel the result of their decisions as much as voters whose financial value are below millionaire status and the quicker we realise there is an US and THEM the quicker the problem will be remedied. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:38:20 +0000

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