Its officially Christmas!! I snuck down to see if I would spot - TopicsExpress


Its officially Christmas!! I snuck down to see if I would spot Santa sneaking in...nothing yet. I think Im gonna wait a little bit longer. I sure hope he comes through on the gift I asked for :). You know what I asked for? A WOMAN! Does Santa come through on gifts like that? Am I going to wake up tomorrow to a big ass....I mean a big ass box waiting for me by the tree with my name on it? I start to tear the wrapping paper off and out pops Penelope Cruz in a short black dress ready to pounce on me. Does Santa make room on the sleigh for Penelope (or at least her sister)? I hope so. I could sure use a good woman :). But...what if he doesnt? What if tomorrow comes and goes and I dont get what I asked for? I would be pretty disappointed. But hey, theres always next Christmas. You cant always get your way in life, and you wont always get what you want. If you read my posts, youre probably sick of my rambling, especially when it comes to finding a woman. Ive been talking about it for months! Nothing changes for me, no great successes, no epiphanys, and of women! Youll probably say, Frankie, you need to stop complaining and actually go out and make more honest efforts!!. Well, I do. It doesnt go well. I get too nervous!! Its like theres something that will not let me say what I want to say. In my head Im thinking...Ok, just relax, be cool and confident, and just ask her out for coffee or something. Then, the moment comes to make a move and the words dont come out right! I get so nervous that I probably seem like a weirdo, and women are not attracted to that, so they turn me down. Or they turn me down because they are playing hard to get and want me to ask them out again later (thats dumb, lifes too short for that shit). So I just kind of gave up. And now Im hoping that the universe magically brings me a woman who notices me, likes me, and does the courting. I could be waiting forever, but I dont know what else to do. If I try and force my will and make moves, I fail. If I wait for fate to just bring someone to me without any effort at all, Im waiting forever. What is the answer? Is it FATE or FREE WILL? Do we have the free will to determine how things work out for us? Or is everything done by fate, where we have no say at all? Or is it like Tom Hanks said at the end of Forrest Gump, that its both? I dont know. All I know is that I need a counterpart, my better half, so I can truly be my greatest. The Bonnie to my Clyde. Well thats not the best example. How bout the Abigail to my John Adams? The Betty to my Malcolm X. The Mary to my Jesus. You know I have my doubts about the true story of Mary and Jesus. Everybody says that Jesus was born to the virgin mother, but that goes against nature. It would make more sense that a man and a woman made love and a child resulted. The story says that God instructed 2 people to have a child and that one had to be a virgin. Maybe Mary wasnt the virgin? Is that the end of the world? To realize we had the story wrong the whole time? Maybe the truth is greater and more inspiring. Im rambling again....Ill stop. I think I need someone to yell at me. SHUT UP AND GO TO BED!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!. We all need someone to yell at as at times, to make us realize we are wrong and can get advice and help in a straight way :). I hope I get mine soon. Ive also been thinking about my New Years resolutions. I want to do more writing, and not this kind, more constructive writing. Like a screenplay or something. Hopefully I dont write one about myself, that movie would suck. Who would watch a movie about a rambling guy that does not change, has no epiphanys and gets no woman? People would walk out! Hope all is well. Merry Christmas :)!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:12:29 +0000

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