Its over. Scottish Independence is now impossible. Weve done - TopicsExpress


Its over. Scottish Independence is now impossible. Weve done it.... WEVE DONE IT WEVE DONE IT. THE NATIONALIST BEAST IS DEFEATED AND BRITAIN IS SAVED. This is an amazing day. The people of Scotland have rejected hatred and narrow minded nationalism. They have rejected the notion that they needed to be a seperate nation to be a better nation. They have rejected the nationalist notion of packing people into seperate boxes labelled Scottish and English, and seperating them, brother from brother, worker from worker, based on nothing more than ethnicity. All of those who supported independence, the Nationalists, the Far-Left, the Trots, they have been defeated and beaten. The people of Scotland have chosen unity-they have chosen hope and not division. We defeated Fascism together...and now we have defeated Nationalism. Two regressive movements which the people of this amazing island played a key role in defeating. And once again, it was the Labour Movement that led the way. Labour Party voters turned out and overwhelmingly divided against independence. The collective power of the Labour movement, of the values that it stands for, solidarity, internationalism, unity, caring for everybody regardless of location or ethnicity, has stopped Nationalism in its tracks. And people said the bond was weakening. People said we couldnt do it. People said Labour voters would abandon us and join the Nationalists. But that didnt happen, evidently. In many areas where the turnout was very high, the Labour vote turned up and denied the Nationalists. They turned up for us when it mattered. Labours rallying cry worked, as it did in 2010. The bond between Scotland and its Labour Party can and will never be broken, no matter how much those who wish us ill would like it to do so. The tide has turned. Now, its time for us to deliver on this mandate that we have been given. Nearly 1 and a half million people dont think the UK works for them anymore. Lets help them. Its our job as politicians to win over and help the disenfranchised and disenchanted. Scotland must move forward united and not divided. We have to keep the promises that we made. The turnout jumped upward because people believed that they would get change. And they should. Lets strengthen the Scottish Parliament. Lets give it more tax and spending powers. Lets make sure that we can have a new deal, for all of the UK regions. It is time to build a New Britain-A Britain in which we are ruled as One Nation, for the many, and not the few. God bless great Britain!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 04:19:43 +0000

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