Its that time of year - DIE-t season where every possible claim, - TopicsExpress


Its that time of year - DIE-t season where every possible claim, promise and guarantee will be shoved at us that this is the solution! Garcinia cambogia discussions are appearing so I though I would share this condensed summary of the BS that is Gacinia cambogia that I created. If you cant be bothered reading this, then bottom line is its a SCAM. BUT, just like the chance to win millions in the lottery people will continue to believe they are going to get lucky.... You might notice that pretty much every week there is another too-good-to-be-true claim about another ‘miracle’ product for weight loss. Yet, despite all the inflated claims there is not one proven long-term (5+ years) successful weight loss product or program that works for the majority (over 10%) of people. NOT ONE. NOT A SINGLE ONE. THE ODDS: As it stands the odds of successful weight loss are less than 10% long term. Around 50% will put that weight back on and around a whopping 40% will gain that weight back PLUS MORE. This is called weight cycling. Its not healthy, just dont go there. But hey youre the boss of your own underpants as Ragen Chastain would say. SO, there are plenty of marketers out there that will continue to try to convince you that you will be the success. Why because magic pills make money and lots of it. Garcinia cambogia is just another one making grand claims despite the enormous lack of evidence to support it. So what is Garcinia cambogia? Basically it’s a small, pumpkin-shaped tropical fruit, known as tamarind. The extract of the fruit is called hydroxycitric acid, is what the magic pills are made from. Hydroxycitric acid is a derivative of citric acid, which is involved in metabolism of the body. But, they do have research to back up their claims the ad says so you say in desperation that a magic potion exists. And, yes true there is research and it sounds impressive and believable and it’s published in journals even. So let’s look at what this research actually shows. 1. A meta analysis (a research study that evaluates all the research completed on a topic at that time) found over 5000 hits based on Garcinia cambogia, but only 9 trials were adequate to be considered for review. AND all those 9 studies ALL had flaws in their methodology. This means the results can not be considered reliable, useful or valid. 2. A lot of the claims marketers use in promotional material rely on the supposed impressive results they got in rats! NOTE: Rats aren’t people and people aren’t rats. Not all studies in rats can be successfully replicated in humans either so we need to look at human trials. 3. SO, then when you then look at the few human studies that have been done the results weren’t so impressive. In fact one study showed the placebo worked better! HINT: Save your money 4. It was also hard to find some recent research, which might indicate potential researchers aren’t confident of positive results based on previous studies and so won’t invest their time or money or further research. 5. So lastly lets look if there any safety or toxicity concerns? Well in one study on rats extremely high doses seemed to cause testicular atrophy and toxicity. Yikes! While we aren’t rats, I’d prefer to not take anything that could create a toxic environment in my body. And from other studies there is the potential that Garcinia cambogia may cause nausea, digestive tract discomfort, and headaches
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:16:12 +0000

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