Its time for another unsolicited RTB shoutout. Todays recipient? - TopicsExpress


Its time for another unsolicited RTB shoutout. Todays recipient? Jay Thompson. Jay is one of the most popular figures in real estate, and justifiably so. Jay is a great writer - he was one of real estates first transcendent bloggers, and he was the guy we turned to when Stefan Swanepoel and I needed an expert to help write the chapter on Blogging in the Swanepoel TECHNOLOGY Report (and he did a great job on that). Jay is also a stand-up dude in real life, and he is one of the most respected people I know. How he dealt with his heart attack, and the lifestyle changes hes made since (who is that skinny bastard?), have been a MASSIVE inspiration to me and to hundreds if not thousands of others. Professionally, as Ive said publicly many times, it was GENIUS of Zillow to hire Jay into his current job. There cant be more than two or three other people in the industry (if that) who could do what Jay does as well as he does. He takes the slings and arrows directed at Zillow (Will they ever stop? Yo, I dont know) with class, restraint, dignity and a level of patience that never ceases to amaze me. Well done, Spencer Rascoff. Well done, indeed. Anyway, I just wanted to acknowledge Jay, because I admire and respect him a great deal. Heres to you, good sir!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:19:27 +0000

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