Its time to take back America, the speaker shouted at a Labor Day - TopicsExpress


Its time to take back America, the speaker shouted at a Labor Day rally. This particular screamer was not a Tea Partier or a rabid Republican, but the Vice President of the United States. Just who does Joe Biden want to take the country back from? His party controls the White House, the Senate, and all the levers of government. But whatever he meant, and with Biden it can sometimes be hard to tell, he was not saying anything that hasnt been said by scores of other Democrats over the years, including Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton and President Obama himself. When George W. Bush was in office they demanded that the country be taken back, and no one batted an eye. But in January of 2009 the USA entered a Bizarro World where everything was inverted. Suddenly the wish to take back the country, when invoked by conservatives, was transformed into a not-very-thinly-veiled appeal to raw racism. Al Sharpton detected a racial component in the phrase, while columnist Eugene Robinson keenly perceived a racial dimension. Robinson also made a blatant error, saying, This rallying cry arose after the first African American family moved into the White House. False, Mr. Robinson, provably and demonstrably false! What happened to fact-checkers at the Washington Post?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:23:56 +0000

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