Its true that federalism is not nationalism at all (relying on - TopicsExpress


Its true that federalism is not nationalism at all (relying on centralized power structures, power brokers, and powerful celebrities), but rather subsidiarity (relying on the lowest level of human interaction possible, including personal decisions, to do what needs to be done). As I often write, to solve the mess were in us going to take a change in thinking, strategies and tactics. The status quo solutions about taking back America, getting more conservatives into Congress, or restoring the constitution clearly is not working. The reality is, these solutions havent been working for decades, even during Reagans administration. They actually cannot work because the system of government we have now, which is nationalism, cannot be constrained by the Constitution. It simply isnt strong enough to stop tyranny. A better system of government, a morally superior system of government is called federalism. But federalism cannot work across 310,000,000 people. The Constitution may have been sufficient for 13 colonies in the 1780s and a few decades after that. But it is wholly inadequate now. There are simply too many debatable clauses in it to ever bring clarity. You might say that to you the Commerce Clause is crystal clear and be able to quote a bunch of the Framers, but that ignores the fact that most Supreme Courts dont agree with you. Beside the fact that the data is clear about this. So, as this article points out, the best kind of government that provides the greatest potential for freedom, liberty and consent of the governed is not a big, huge national government in one city like we have now. No, the best government is small and very close to the people so it reflects the culture and values of a very small political community. In the end, this monstrosity we have in DC cannot be repaired, it can only be dramatically altered and most of its power taken away or abolished altogether and a new government created, or thrown off. Read this article youll understand a little more.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:08:10 +0000

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