Its true that for whatever reason people decide n make certain - TopicsExpress


Its true that for whatever reason people decide n make certain choices. Since emotion is a strong n permanent part of the Earthakin biology. This is one that is like to stress about. ................................................ -I dont use Hu-MAN or Hu-MAN-ity. (Just like male n female.) That is a old way of categorizing both species using one for both. We live on earth n we all kin of the same biology that makes us living beings. So why not. Also if this has already been made use of then we all on same page. Heh. Ok now back to main thought. ................................................ I bet lot of people wish that they cold take some parts of emotion out of the whole thing. Some emotions are great to have. Fear helps keep you feeling alive and fighting for survival. Great for keeping the species going. The feeling of triumph when you do something good. Maybe a sub emote of love. N theres the emotion of strong magnetism towards something. Either an object or another biological being. Better known as love. The irony is that when it comes to the point of another biological feeling for another biological as for 2 earthanoids. You never know whats going to happen. I believe that sometimes for some it would be nice to have this shut off n not feel those emotions. My take on it is if you cant take advantage of it n still have to emit to them then there is no benefit. Maybe in the future there will be a way that people will be able to have a synthetic device that allows you to know if someone likes you or what not so then the emotion inhibitor would then shut off the transfer of cellular process allowing you to once again react to that set of emotions which you were stressed out by then. I mean people will still create offspring. It would be more mentally healthy not having people all day feeling like crap seeing others paired, which is not an insult to ones ego but a message to one that ultimately they are not desirable. Sometimes as some I feel I was born way to early. People are still idiots and health technology is still primitive at best. N also greed keeps most technological advancements from the people as the small percent of wealthy earth people wish to keep it for them selves. Also keeping it under raps if there is stuff to cure things they just figure to make a buck or two off people is ok. Also if you believe in God or the devil I cant help you as I gave up playing games like candy land a long time ago. However the irony is we all seem to be stuck on that damn spot. That rant aside. Emotions do help for some great things To happen. Inspiration or Times that you experience that are one of a kind. I guess as a person of earth you have to take the good with the bad. ---------------------------------- Ultimately standing over fates edge of uncertainty I believe it to be better to have ones mind bath in whatever exquisite mental dilemmas existence allows a biologic entity to feel rather then feel a void of coldness like space where the warmth of emotions should be. ----------------------------------
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 05:31:54 +0000

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