It’s Family Time! Its Christmas Eve! Enjoy it! Today is - TopicsExpress


It’s Family Time! Its Christmas Eve! Enjoy it! Today is December 24 of 2014. It is Christmas Eve. A great day to Have a great family time all together. Am from Ecuador, so for us, like in The majority of countries from South And Central America Christmas Starts tonight. Unfortunately, every single year I See how the consumer mentality Is influencing every one. Nowadays, some people “believe” that in order To feel the Christmas spirit you must buy a Gift as soon as possible, and give It to the person next to you. Especially in America, where although we Have more possibilities to purchase Gifts to our loved ones, it has become Like an obsession. People is forgetting Is about family time just like in Thanksgiving. If there is something I miss from the Days close to Christmas when I was a Kid it was the Christmas spirit. In my hometown In Guayaquil, you will go out and see all the streets And houses filled with red and green lights. Malls, shopping centers, supermarkets, and all Tourist places decorated with lights, and big words Such as Peace, Love, Family Time, Jesus, etc. Even the poorest houses in Guayaquil will Have something that celebrates Christmas day I think is because in Latin America people are More emotional in almost everything Or maybe, just as I hear every single year “Christmas is for the kids” Maybe, and if it’s true, is not a bad idea, right? Also, in these days, is when I read in some Car bumpers a sticker that says “Jesus is the Reason for the season” Am not a religious person, Even though I used to consider myself a religious Person some years ago. But I prefer people to commemorate the birth of One the greatest masters and leaders that the World Has ever seen, which results into get together and have Some family time, share hugs and kisses with friends, Coworkers and neighbors, rather than living a Black Friday, or a Cyber Monday. My Message is to keep in mind why we are celebrating This Holiday. We commemorate the birth of a great man Who showed that Love is the most important thing in The World. Today, is a day to spend it having a great Family time, or some quality time with friends. To give and receive gifts is secondary. Do not follow the Masses. Well, that’s all! I wish an awesome Christmas Eve day! Thank You! PS: Enjoy some Villancicos!!! Diego Villena
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:47:31 +0000

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