It’s been nine weeks since unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown - TopicsExpress


It’s been nine weeks since unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by police Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo. And for those in this majority-African-American municipality, as well as many citizens of the surrounding St. Louis metro area, Brown’s shooting, the hourslong delay after his death when his body was left lying in the street, and attempts by police to suppress community outrage are emblematic of the disregard for black life in a segregated and oppressive city. Wilson hasn’t been arrested in connection with Brown’s death, and a grand jury is investigating to determine whether charges will be filed against him. In response to Brown’s shooting and police violence in Ferguson, the killing earlier this week of 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. in St. Louis and a series of incidents of police brutality nationwide, on Saturday, thousands of peaceful demonstrators from around the country—of all ages, races and backgrounds—gathered at the Justice for All: National March and Rally to protest the response of local government and prosecutors to Brown’s death, nationwide police violence, media bias and racism. It was one of many events organized as part of Ferguson October, a weekend of resistance that included a candlelit march; a law teach-in; discussions on race, class and privilege; and a hip-hop concert. Brendan Van Gorder, a 22-year-old student at the University of Pennsylvania, drove 15 hours from Philadelphia for the march and told The Root, “It was bizarre to see police with all of their guns and tank-like vehicles. I did not feel like this was a free, democratic country.” He added, “Ferguson is a place to learn, where people are teaching and training others new ways to resist together.” During the rally, Lee Carlton, a pastor from Flood Christian Church who is also a spokesman for Brown’s family, said the family was “ theroot/articles/culture/2014/10/ferguson_october_peacefully_protesting_police_violence.html
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:00:00 +0000

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