It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I love my dogs. I - TopicsExpress


It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I love my dogs. I love pretty much all dogs. I do, however, realize not everyone feels the way I do. The comment was made recently to another person, about me, “She talks about her dog all the time.” Of course it embarrassed me (whether it was meant to or not) and really took me aback. That off-handed statement made me step back a little and take stock. Yes, I guess I do “talk about my dogs all the time” (only now it’s two, not just one). I’m just a lot more selective now who I tell my dog stories to. Someone told me, “You should get a bird.” I looked at the person who said it and couldn’t help but notice that this person was surrounded by their spouse, children and grandchildren… which brings me to the meaning and origin of this writing, which is, in no way a pity party. In the mornings, when I wake up, it’s usually to the sight of a cute little brown-eyed dog. You may wake up to a cute little sleepy-eyed human child, and it probably gives you great joy, as it should. You see, I never got that privilege, so I made my own little “family”. I can’t speak of my “family” without mentioning the ones who are waiting for me at the “Rainbow Bridge”… there is my childhood dog, Hamlet, my quirky little schnauzer, Jackson, my sweet, sweet Annie, crazy girl Cinnamon (Cinni), and of course, my beloved, sweet, lovable Razor – AKA RayRay, Brudder, and Razor Blade Hughes. I could write volumes about all the fur-babies I just mentioned, but I’ll spare you. The little family that I have now is my blue heeler/rat terrier mix, Sadie Rae and my newly-adopted rat terrier, Baby Girl. I haven’t settled on a name for her yet, so for now, she’s Baby Girl. She doesn’t care about a name. She is just happy to have a home. Back to my point… When I awaken in the mornings, I am greeted by two happy faces – my highly spirited Sadie Rae, and my I’m-still-sleepy-not-quite-ready-to-wake-up, but happy, nonetheless, Baby Girl. There are some things that all my babies have had in common without variation… - They give unconditional love. - They are happy when they get some attention. - They never complain about what they have to eat or who got more. They are just happy to be fed. - They never fuss at me when I am gone longer than anticipated. They are just glad I’m home. - They are protective of me, to the death, if need be. - They don’t care how much I weigh. They’ve never told me I need to lose weight, get a tan, or that they don’t like my clothes. Sometimes, they are the only living beings I have to talk to for hours on end, and they are THE best listeners! I’ve tried to convey my thoughts from my heart to paper and find myself falling miserably short. But before I finalize this, there are just a few more things about dogs I want to share… Dogs live in the moment – live FOR the moment. No regrets. Dogs are forgiving. Period. Dogs aren’t haters. Dogs don’t care what kind of mood you’re in or if you have morning breath. Dogs love life and fully embrace whatever is in front of them. Dogs love and serve with loyalty. They are full of gratitude and joy. Dogs just want to love and be loved. What if life really is that simple? It is definitely no coincidence that DOG is GOD spelled backwards. Julie Cherie Hughes 7/31/13
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:32:50 +0000

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