It’s not that far from here where I stay. I drove there earlier - TopicsExpress


It’s not that far from here where I stay. I drove there earlier this evening at about 6. Two curved walls fold away on both sides of the entrance. My car is known, the boom gate opened elegantly and no questions were asked. The road leads to the left, I followed it between the rows of huge coconut palms and took the parking on the left. The buildings and immaculate garden in its splendidness still let you know in opulence to respect it as it has been there for a very long time and many like me before my time have walked this way. I walked that way to the entrance and notice the elderly elegant lady at the reception on the left. Does she ever leave that spot? I nodded and she responded in the same way. Further on was a foyer of couches and a huge marine aquarium on the left which I abruptly passed to the right to where a quant restaurant is situated and two waitresses waited in its entrance. I kept my posture upright in respect. I was familiar to them but they didn’t make a fuss about it, instead I was taken to a table at the back next to the wooden framed sliding doors. White was it all, tablecloths and elegant serviettes and I smiled by myself when I thought that this empire was built on white, pure as snow. The order was simple and was for beef curry and a draft beer as that was the only way I would put out the fire once it invaded my mouth. The curry would definitely stimulate perspiration and there was some purpose in it. Once the pores were open the anticipated experience of later would become so much more enhanced. It was true indeed, the curry lived up beautiful and the chunks of beef was soft and palatable. Chopped tomato and onions and chutney and the winter weather had to make an effort to remain up for the challenge. In the middle of the table was a small packet. My hands almost involuntary moved towards it and I picked it up. I knew that the weight was exact, I could have brought a precision scale but I won’t find any difference. The lady waitress stood next to my table. I asked her if this was new stock and she nodded. “Was this locally manufactured or did you bring it in from outside?” “No, it was local as always,” she informed me, “we don’t take chances with our quality.” “So, you have been doing this for all these years and always got it right? So many have passed through that door and were never disappointed?” I asked inquisitively. “Never sir” “Do you mind to bring me a filter coffee with warm milk?” She left to fulfil the order. I lifted the packet that stood at the very foundation of this building. I could hear the sea rumbling faintly from across the gardens somewhere in the dark. My reading glass was on my nose and I read the inscription on the side of the elongated container. Work of Illuminati that came here long ago and entered a whole region into an unescapable destiny. The same inscription, the same name was present on gravestones in ancient graveyards all over the district. They still live here all over the district on both sides of the Giza Pyramid meridian. I bit of the corner and some of the snow white content landed on my hand. My coffee arrived and I entered the content into the cup. “Hullets,” it read on the side of it. Even the Salt Rock Hotel belongs to Hullets. I bowed my head and sipped gently from the side of the cup. Respect!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 21:44:17 +0000

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