It’s rare I social network seriously. I once had a teacher tell - TopicsExpress


It’s rare I social network seriously. I once had a teacher tell me I was “impish.” True story! I had to look up “impish” in the library after class. Upon review, she was right. Tonight I walked a moon lit path taking a stab at the reset button on my day when I realize how much the moon means to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like the sun. The sun is always bright, always warm and there are even times when the sun and the moon argue over who will tuck me in. A cop once told me nothing good happens after 2 AM. He was right. I’ve tried sleeping in broad daylight after a few nights out until the wee hours of the morn’. It was not the brightest idea … Those who keep wicked hours learn to appreciate the moon and its eagerness to chase the sun around with that certain love struck weightlessness about it. With that same weightlessness the moon brightens your path over a dark journey. Even when it looks like it’s waning, it’s never really changing shape. It’s just sharing its darker side for all to see like it hasn’t a care in the world. It’s okay to be jealous about the moons willingness to share a less than perfect side. Try pulling that off in your day to day and let me know how many are ready to diagnose your situation. The cat and the moon danced, but never truly embraced, and the cow… Don’t get me started on the cow! He jumped completely over the moon! Epic fail! We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun. Even John Lennon was smart enough to put the moon first because after all that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Just ask Lance Armstrong! Lance Armstrong? Sorry, I get my Armstrong’s mixed up from time to time. But, him too… He’s probably biking his performance enhancing testicle around the moon right now just for the fun of it! What? Too soon? The perigee full moon presents itself in full glory on June 22nd-23rd in the evening sky and he won’t be this close again until August 2014. I suggest a moonlight serenade over the next few nights. After all, moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go back to following the big hand around the dial in an insomnia filled shuffle. We now resume our regularly scheduled impish programming. “Keep looking up!” Poor Jack Horkheimer… Talk about diagnosing a situation.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 06:34:41 +0000

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