Ive been asked a lot of questions concerning my page and my work. - TopicsExpress


Ive been asked a lot of questions concerning my page and my work. People have also been placing orders for candles, lotions, bath gel and the like. Sorry to say that is not true aromatherapy, therefore I do not offer those poducts. This tends to happen a lot, and that is at no fault to you as mainstream marketing has set forth a false perception. Any product can be marketed as a product suitable for Aromatherapy, and is used more as a means to gain profit. Candles, lotions, and sprays found in stores are not True Aromatherapy, and do not contain the medicinal properties as do true natural essential oils used by Practicing Aromatherapists. The scents often used in these products are synthetic(manmade,mimicking a desired scent) or plant oils extracted by the chemical called Acetone. This method is infact very harfmul as these chemicals once entering the bloodstream via the capillaries in the lungs, interfere with the body systems, production of hormones, and have a destructive effect on the myelin sheath(same thing goes for chemicals and scents added to household cleaners, glade plug-ins, and yes your favorite Yankee Candle) As a Practicing Aromatherapist, there is no use of candles ect...as the process used to make and use these products consist of burning and damaging the essential oils, therefore destroying the delicate chemical constituents responsible for regaining ones health. Only natural steam distilled or expeller pressed essential oils are used. These essential oils are tested and chromatography reports are attached to each oil giving us a precise percentage of each constituent present. These CANNOT be found in your local healthfood mart. Diffusers, Humidifires, Aromainhalers and glass nebulizers are used depending on the client and what we want to acheive, from lessening a cold or virus, to easing anxiety and stress. I hope this was of some help to those who were in need of some answers.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:31:50 +0000

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