Ive been emailing back and forth with General Mills concerning - TopicsExpress


Ive been emailing back and forth with General Mills concerning their use of GMOs and their affiliation with Monsanto..... Please take a moment to read..... Me: Originated by Consumer: Hello. I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer. Are General Mills products made with GMOs? Does General Mills do business in any manner or form with Monsanto RiceChex:Rice Chex Them: On Jun 23, 2014, at 1:18 PM, Corporate.Response@genmills wrote: Dear Mrs. Bernal: Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding our position on the use of ingredients genetically engineered or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As genetically modified (GM) ingredients become more common in the global food supply, particularly in the U.S., we know that many people have questions about this technology. General Mills has posted a statement on biotechnology and GMOs on generalmills. It can be found by clicking on Channel G. Products often contain GM ingredients in the U.S., not because companies seek to use GM ingredients, but because GM crops are so common in the U.S. food supply. Biotech seeds have been approved by global food safety agencies and widely used by farmers in food crops for almost 20 years. Today, if an American food or beverage product lists corn, soy, canola, cottonseed or beet sugar as an ingredient, and the product is not organic, it likely contains GMOs. We do offer consumers a non-GMO choice with organic brands in most of our major U.S. product lines. Safety is our number one priority. We find broad global consensus among food and safety regulatory bodies that approved GM ingredients are safe. The U.N. World Health Organization (WHO), The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The European Food Safety Authority, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, The U.S. Department of Agriculture, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada have all found approved biotech crops to be as safe and acceptable as their conventional counterparts. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association and the British Royal Society also say there is no health risk associated with GM foods or ingredients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides clear guidance on the labeling of foods, including foods produced through biotechnology. Because foods containing GM ingredients are ruled as safe and essentially identical to their conventional counterparts, there is no requirement for special labeling. However, we do know that some consumers would like to be better able to select products that do not use GM ingredients. To support this choice, General Mills has enrolled a number of products in the non-GMO Project and supports nationally standardized labeling of non-GMO products in the U.S. But we have long opposed state-by-state labeling laws in the U.S., which would increase the cost of food for consumers – and most companies take a similar view. Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. Sincerely, Jennifer Garrett Consumer Services Me: What organic or non- GMO products do you carry? My family has purchased General Mills for many generations and honestly, we are all considering not purchasing any more of your products. Which would be sad since we used to enjoy many of them and felt they were healthy. There is significant evidence pointing to severe and negative health effects of GMOs. Despite you listing several government agencies which deem GMOs safe... I know the majority of those agencies have department heads which were once affiliated with Monsanto... Countries all over the world are banning GMOs for good reason. Can you imagine the positive effect it would have on General Mills to become the first mass producing food distributor in the United States to eliminate GMOs from all your products? I know 1,000s of people who will not touch a GMO product. My family is transitioning to organic only foods.... We have held on to our love of General Mills cereals but I fear we will be giving those up as well very soon unless something changes. The mass concern world wide concerning GMOs and Monsanto should be enough for General Mills to step up to the plate and say you need not fear your food with General Mills. I do not believe the cost of going non-GMO would hurt your company.... You were totally non-GMO 20 years ago. Getting back to the basics of REAL food would make General Mills nutritional heroes- and dare I predict- even more wealthy. People love their children, people will do anything for their children....and by converting back to genuine seed ingredients you would ease the rising fear parents and consumers have concerning GMOs- by knowing General Mills can be purchased GMO free. I can provide you with scientific proof through multiple documentations that GMOs are not safe and healthy. They are also killing our bees... But thats a whole other conversation. I did ask in my first email what was General Mills association with Monsanto and you did not address that in your reply. So Im asking again... What is General Mills association with Monsanto? I look forward to your reply and greatly appreciate your previous response. Sincerely, Michelle Bernal Them: Dear Mrs. Bernal: Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding our position on the use of ingredients genetically engineered or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As genetically modified (GM) ingredients become more common in the global food supply, particularly in the U.S., we know that many people have questions about this technology. General Mills has posted a statement on biotechnology and GMOs on generalmills. It can be found by clicking on Channel G. Products often contain GM ingredients in the U.S., not because companies seek to use GM ingredients, but because GM crops are so common in the U.S. food supply. Biotech seeds have been approved by global food safety agencies and widely used by farmers in food crops for almost 20 years. Today, if an American food or beverage product lists corn, soy, canola, cottonseed or beet sugar as an ingredient, and the product is not organic, it likely contains GMOs. We do offer consumers a non-GMO choice with organic brands in most of our major U.S. product lines. Safety is our number one priority. We find broad global consensus among food and safety regulatory bodies that approved GM ingredients are safe. The U.N. World Health Organization (WHO), The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The European Food Safety Authority, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, The U.S. Department of Agriculture, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada have all found approved biotech crops to be as safe and acceptable as their conventional counterparts. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association and the British Royal Society also say there is no health risk associated with GM foods or ingredients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides clear guidance on the labeling of foods, including foods produced through biotechnology. Because foods containing GM ingredients are ruled as safe and essentially identical to their conventional counterparts, there is no requirement for special labeling. However, we do know that some consumers would like to be better able to select products that do not use GM ingredients. To support this choice, General Mills has enrolled a number of products in the non-GMO Project and supports nationally standardized labeling of non-GMO products in the U.S. But we have long opposed state-by-state labeling laws in the U.S., which would increase the cost of food for consumers – and most companies take a similar view. You may visit smallplanetfoods to find information about our organic products. Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. Sincerely, Jennifer Garrett Consumer Services So- what Ive learned..... General Mills confirms use of GMOs in their products. General Mills will not reveal the details of their association with Monsanto...... and this family will no longer buy anything made by General Mills. This is a link to all products and brands by General Mills: generalmills/Home/Brands/Baking_Products/Pillsbury/Brand%20Product%20List%20Page.aspx
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 15:28:15 +0000

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