Ive been experimenting with brain frequency manipulation, brain - TopicsExpress


Ive been experimenting with brain frequency manipulation, brain entrainment, subliminal messaging and evoking auditory hallucination for years. it works. Also for the past twenty years or so there have been many people who have come forth claiming to be harassed by strange people in black suites, coming home and furniture entirely rearranged, yet nothing stolen. Strange smells in their homes, loud engines revving outside late at night, and hearing voices of all sorts when no one is around. These reports are all consistent in detail all across the US. The large majority of these people are willing to submit to testing and are found entirely sane. washingtonpost/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399.html this form of mystical manipulation is very real. Your brain operates on specific frequency ranges depending on state of consciousness. External factors can and will strongly effect the state of mind. even normal household appliances can emit a frequency that exposure at long periods of time will change your thought patterns. fans, air conditioning, kitchen appliances, power tools, even t.v.s, cellphones and yes... light fixtures and light bulbs. not all are on purpose but they play a role none the less. (Example: Two fluorescent lights, flickering 13 times a second, evoke a brain wave at a frequency of 13 Hz.) books.google/books?id=M2YEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT45&lpg=PT45&dq=fluorescent+light+flicker+brainwave&source=bl&ots=iCpf3miPoY&sig=lYreIPK-wcTA84Ye4ZWpt7Ojshg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7gwCVK76D5PBggS0oYH4AQ&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA (scientific cellphone study on inducing brainwaves link below) scientificamerican/article/mind-control-by-cell/ Tv screen flicker causes switch to low alpha state. This is supported to act as a hypnotic opener. The flicker is reduced with higher framerates hz. Flicker occurs in a CRT because the phosphor dims while waiting for the next pass of the electron gun. LCD screens dont have that flicker because the lighting is done at the pixel level by turning the grids transistors on and off simultaneously. Videogames are another matter as the framerate of most games is 30 hz. A crt 60hz while a computer monitor is 30 to 80 khz The music you listen too, television and video games also often pair a specific frequency of music or sound with lyrics, a story, or scenario to effect you brains activity swaying your emotion and reaction to the information given, and training your mind to associate the frequency with the given scenario. (these games you play killing people, some persons minds are very sensitive and at a later point in time upon hearing that same frequency, snap, and decide its killing time.) THIS IS HYPNOSIS WITHOUT CONSENT! Long term effects of this is entrainment of the mind. Literal mind control. Do your own research. But i can attest it is very real. This technology has been in development for a couple decades, at least. It is a subtle, SUBLIMINAL war for control of your mind. pay attention. Some of the best info you can find here: (My good friend known popularly as TEKK GNOSIS) https://youtube/watch?v=0UUrm8VHp5M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:45:22 +0000

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