Ive been hurt by so many ppl. Ppl who I thought were my friends - TopicsExpress


Ive been hurt by so many ppl. Ppl who I thought were my friends that love me talked bad about me, called me fat amongst other names behind my back, ppl who wished bad on my life, ppl who heard rumors about me and called me a hoe when I was a virgin all because I told one guy I wasnt ready, ppl who pretended around me only to use me, hell my parents even used me and what hurt the most was when they didnt even bother to come to my high school graduation; the one day in life thats suppose to be special I cried walking down the aisle. Feeling unloved & unwanted to your breaking point, walking this earth in anger and pain for years. But you want to know how I made it through all that with a smile??? Its the power of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and the Blood. My bible was my shield my armor against those that tried to break me. When my mother kicked me out at 16 and I was homeless I prayed. When I gave my all to a man for years of my life that lied to me like I was nothing cheated on me constantly talkin to other women like wasnt good enough, I prayed. When I was arrested for a crime I was not at the scene to commit just to be released to lose my job my home and everything I worked hard for was gone, I prayed. I walked by him. I said God I have no clue why, why me. And finally today I know why. He broke me down to build me back up again. He chose ME because he knew I was strong enough to endure. And I came out on the other side of the storm a stronger woman. Just because you maybe going through a tough time never question it God is working because the Devil wants us all badly. Today I have my own home, vehicle, a great business that is growing into the next year, a beautiful baby growing inside of me, soon to be a college graduate, and 180 pounds off of me. God isAMAZING, SIMPLY AMAZING!!! He is real stop living like hes not there. I Iove you Lord & This is my Testimony!!! 😔
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:02:31 +0000

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