Ive been in The Black Hole of Computerdom... OK, maybe the Bermuda - TopicsExpress


Ive been in The Black Hole of Computerdom... OK, maybe the Bermuda Triangle... naw, better yet, the 7th Circle of Dantes hell... get the picture??? Ive been in this for the better part of Way Too Long which is right at the Edge of Total Shit. Long story longer... naw: Ill just cut to the chase (details are boring when it comes to computers), I am sending the one I just received back and getting another BUT I do not want to be without so I am sending the one back after I receive the new... which means, I just bought a new computer and will return the other (and get a credit) after the new arrives. Simple. Easy. But my credit/debit card was declined. Now that is nuts. Not only are there funds sufficient for the purchase, if there were not then I have a line of credit to advance those funds so either way this purchase should never have been declined. I called the bank and once again (this has happened before with these idiots), they declined the purchase to protect me. How nice. Why? Because they flagged my purchase for the computer as suspicious activity. No other reason. Why was it suspicious? No one could say... first it was because it was online, then because it was a known vendor that has fraud issues... then because it was my second purchase for a computer with this vendor in x# of days... blah blah... BS. You know, maam, there is so much internet fraud with people buying online computers... There is NOTHING that makes me more irritated than some patronizing little shit half my age trying to justify some idiotic corporate policy... in my own best interests! I wanted to scream Are you INSANE? Instead, I asked, why do you have my cell phone #, my land line, and my email address???? IF you think there is FRAUD, why the hell dont you contact ME and ask if the purchase is legitimate? We dont do that... we deny the purchase, maam TO PROTECT YOU.... Listen carefully: I. Do. Not. Want. YOU. To. Protect. Me. Maam we do this as a service to protect you... Listen carefully: I. Do. Not. Want. YOU. To. Protect. Me. But maam, you are a valued customer and we want to protect you... Listen carefully: I. Do. Not. Want. YOU. To. Protect. Me. They explained again: this is for my own good and if I want a declined charge authorized well, maam, we hope that you will call us and we will HAPPILY authorize the charge... I. Do. Not. Want. To. Call. You. -- I. Do. Not. Even. Like. You. Maam? Anwyay, I worked my way up to the Grand Poopah who was rather surprised I am not delighted that his bank is dedicated to my protection. I suggested this: IF they have a suspicious purchase the SMART THING TO DO IS TO USE ALL THAT FOOKING INFORMATION THEY HAVE ON FILE -- YOU KNOW THE SAME INFORMATION THEY USE TO SEND ME THEIR PROMOTIONAL CRAP? -- AND CONTACT ME. They have 2 phone numbers and email and can text my phone. ASK ME FIRST. I pointed out (calmly and nicely) the aggravation (and possible embarrassment) that a credit decline creates for a person -- not to mention the shock of a decline and the need to drop everything and CALL them and then the need to work through a menu to get to someone other than a robot.... etc. I explained its a pain in the ass. Im sorry, maam, but it is our goal to protect all of our customers.... Nitwit. I cannot opt out of this; their computer flags suspicious transactions and declines them without notification or explanation why to the customer and it is totally arbitrary. They expect the vendor to tell us... and then they expect us to call them and go through this goddamn dance to authorize the transaction.... I hate this bank and have just been too damn lazy to get another... My fault ... Thanks for listening. Writing beats screaming. ;)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:15:21 +0000

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