Ive been listening to a lot of Abraham-Hicks material on Youtube - TopicsExpress


Ive been listening to a lot of Abraham-Hicks material on Youtube for the last month or two, and the lessons are slowly sinking in. I have a hard head, what can I say? This little blurb in yesterdays little recording sort of blew my mind. The premise is this: When you consciously commit to being a teacher and a healer, God/Universe/Love/Higher Self will start sending you people that will benefit from being around you. *cue tires screeching to a halt* Abrahams words turned attraction or sourcing situations on its head for me, because, when I get myself into relationship pickles (which is, like, all the time), Im all, WTH did I do to attract this piece of work into my life?!? Clearly, something is awry in myself, otherwise this person wouldnt be here. I need to figure my crap out to change this situation. See how its all about moi, moi, moi and do do do? Self-reflection is wonderful and necessary, but what if the next step is about them? What if the point of the uncomfortable scenario is about expanding your ability to love more to touch them, which further expands your heart? What if quietly expanding and breathing is the best, most empowered action you can take at this moment? How can you be of service to the person who just cut you off on the freeway? How can you love your partner/spouse/friend who drives you to drink? How can you be teach or heal someone who seems as if they dont want to be taught or healed (because, having the benefit of being on the outside of their situation looking in, its so obvious you know what is best for them)? I think you can make a giant leap toward owning being the teacher and healer you already are by breathing. If youre all whipped up into a frenzy by emotions by THAT PERSON, breathing is probably not on your list of priorities. A couple of deep breaths feels to me like being in the tranquil eye of the storm. And dig this: in the eye of the storm, the skies are clear and the pressure is low. Imagine what your brain feels like on a good dose of oxygen during an emotional shitstorm! Perhaps just seeing a change in your way of being is the biggest lesson s/he can experience. Youre not denying the situation. Youre not absent or resistant. Youre just changing the energy of the interaction by shifting your way of being into calmness. Sometimes what drives them even crazier is when they see that you arent going into the crazy with them. They become more curious about why your attitude has changed, instead of the pesky issue, and stop spinning their emotional wheels. The tranquility you achieve helps you return to the internal equilibrium necessary to see clearly that he or she is having a rotten day, for example, or hurting. You can then respond in a loving way that will be more conducive to strengthening relationship instead of destroying it. Your BEING LOVE is what ultimately heals and teaches them, and is, ultimately, what heals and teaches you. Happy Saturday, everyone.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:53:15 +0000

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