Ive been mostly keeping silent and awaiting the official - TopicsExpress


Ive been mostly keeping silent and awaiting the official statement. Alt-Fest is cancelled. It seems ultimately it didnt sell enough tickets to cover the costs. The warning was clear to some from the early days, £60,000+ on the kickstarter, while that may seem a lot of money let me put that in perspective, that would have paid to run a successful full 3 days of Resistanz, a much much smaller event throughout. Ive done my best to remain publicly impartial and that is the way i wish to remain. Ultimately it was a great idea and i hope someone out there is inspired to build something of a similar ilk but not to rush out and try to be a number 1 from the get go. Things like this take a lot of time, effort and experience. It is do-able as Bloodstock have gone on to prove but there should be no rushing, afterall patience is a virtue. This isnt a post to point fingers, slag people off, or leave nasty/unhelpful comments below... I was inspired to post something due to a comment that read i will never buy festival tickets again. If people take up that kind of attitude then EVERYONE loses out. The ripple effects thoughout the festival circuit will undoubtedly be felt for sometime but this should not put you off supporting other events and shows. Cancellations of this kind do happen, but it is very rare. There are lessons to be learnt, for bands, event organisers and punters alike. There is nothing that can be done about it now so people need to just move on. Hopefully people will get payments back and find something else to do with their time and money. There are a couple of other great events coming up in the UK over the next few weeks for both metal heads and industrial fans dont forget.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:49:24 +0000

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