Ive been on Face Book for a few years now. Ive met some wonderful - TopicsExpress


Ive been on Face Book for a few years now. Ive met some wonderful people and consider many of them to be dear friends. But I have to say, I get pretty fed up with all the accusations, blaming, name calling etc, that goes on. The latest being people all upset because a particular pro football prospect was cut. So they have to find someone or something to blame. We have become a society of blaming the other person for all that goes wrong on our lives or the lives of others. When are we all going to start taking responsibility for ourselves? The football player I am referring to happens to be gay. He was cut, along with many, many other prospects, some black, some white, some Hispanic, some South Sea islander, etc. Did that one get cut because he was black? that one because he was white? or Hispanic or South Sea Islander? Why does anything like that have to be the reason for anything? Cant it be on the face value that the coaches and others involved just didnt feel that that particular player wasnt the right fit for their team? Do we need to make everything a political, racial, bigoted, or whatever other issue? We still have racism in this country. Why? Dr. King said that he was waiting for the day when all mankind would be judged by the content of their character, and not by the color of their skin. He said that in the mid sixties and here we are, 50 years later, still struggling with the same issues. Growing up, I never heard Asian American, Native American, African American, and so on. Now, many want to separate themselves from everyone else by calling themselves by those names. Shall I call myself Scottish American and separate myself from everyone else who isnt of Scottish descent? Why is racism so prevalent still? Maybe its because so many dont want to be Americans, but would rather identify more with a different culture. The blending of so many different cultures in the past is what helped make this country so great. But now, people dont want to blend; they prefer to separate. I am constantly being judged by the color of my skin. People assume, because Im Caucasian, that I must have an inherent dislike of anyone from a different ethnic background. I refuse to use the word race because I believe we are all of one race, and that it the human race. I believe that we are all children of a loving Father in Heaven who doesnt judge anyone by the content of their skin, but rather by the content of their character. I am through with debating on Facebook those who would try to propagate racism and bigotry among other things (some of them political). I am fairly conservative by nature, but that doesnt make me homophobic, racist, bigoted, or any other name you want to call me. I am tired of those who claim to be tolerant, show their true intolerance by not allowing others to have an opinion different from their own. I am tired of all the blaming for ones own situation. You dont have a job? What are you doing to find one, or make yourself more marketable? You are gay? Fine, but dont condemn me simply because I dont agree with the lifestyle. You are Black? Wonderful. Some of the best people I know are too. But dont assume I think you are less than me simply because your skin is a different color. The same could be said for any other of the various skin pigmentation throughout the world. I what I have stated here offends you, so be it. If you dont want to be friends with me on Facebook, that is fine. It wont really affect my life one way or the other very much. But if you want to be friends and visit about various other assorted subjects great. That is what I joined Facebook for in the first place. I didnt sign up to argue politics or have anyone try to force their beliefs on me. I signed up to meet people and in the process, hopefully gain some new friends.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:10:19 +0000

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