Ive been reflecting a lot lately as I find myself searching my own - TopicsExpress


Ive been reflecting a lot lately as I find myself searching my own past for bits wisdom to share with others who come to me for advice, as well as when I seek it. Its amazing what a few simple things can do to impact your over all experience day to day and consequently long term. Here is a short list of some of those things that I have learned from experience or taken as sage advice from others. - As a necessary evil, looks DO matter. If you dont look like you take yourself seriously, no one else is going to either. - In correlation with this, the better you feel about the way you look without the urge to defend your pajama pants, the better you feel about yourself. Its amazing what a put together look can do for your confidence. Dress for success in all areas of your life. Allow the world to see your outside reflecting all the good stuff on the inside. - Do not hold on to people just because you have known them a long time. Your oldest friend is not always your healthiest friend. As I approach my later 20s I see a lot of my peers tryimg to hold on to friendships that should just no longer be, whether it is due to a toxic relationship with that friend or they are no longer appropriately relevent. We grow and we change as time goes on, it is natural to grow apart from some of our relationships, and in some instances, for the best. In the same token, just because youve known someone since you were five and keep in semi regular contact does not mean you know the person they have become. We tend to put trust into people who havent truly earned it. - Family is more than blood, and blood is not always family. Bias should never be given to people who dont deserve you loyalty. Loyalty is not a right, nor is respect. These are precious parts of yourself that should be given only to those who have earned it. - Give people the benefit of a doubt, but observe objectively. People tend to reveal themselves through their actions, not their words, dont kid yourself. - Life is nothing but a collection of tiny moments strung together. Make the most of them. - A healthy relationship isnt about finding someone who makes you happy, its about being with someone who compliments your happiness. - Sometimes its ok not to forgive. - Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to forgive. -If its not going to matter a year from now, or 5 years from now, it probably just doesnt matter all that much. - Never argue with a drunk person, especially if you are sober. It makes you an even bigger fool for being in your right mind and thinking you can talk sense into anyone who isnt.- If it feels good to critisize someone you care about, youre doing it for the wrong reasons. For your own benefit, not for theirs. - If you find yourself starting to habitually judge one of your friends, you cant truly be their friend, because you have reached a point at which you cannot respect them for one reason or another. It does not mean you do not care about them, it simply means its time to move on, especially if you cannot be honest about this. Intentional or not, its disloyal. - Marry responsibly. - Dont judge someone by their best qualities, but by their worst. You can effectively weigh a persons character by this. - Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. Sometimes hard truths are necessary. But they can be spoken with kindness.- Make the most of your 20s or spend your 30s correcting your mistakes. Go to school, live on your own at least once, party once in awhile. Go on adventures and do something crazy from time to time while your biggest responsibikity is still only yourself. Make friends, dont seclude yourself to a single entity. Life needs variety and so do people. Make memories that are worth remembering, dont settle. You are too young to find yourself in a rut. Having a social life is healthy, make it a priority. Make yourself a priority. Dont waste your livelihood trying to make someone elses. Find your independence. Dont rely on others unless you absolutely have too. You cannot be a successful person if you are not self reliant. Develop your own interests and keep some part of your life that is your own agenda, dont follow someone elses coattails, maintain your individuality.- Your partner should not complete you, they should compliment you. And not last or least - Love fully, love wholly. Dont assume your nearest and dearest know how much you cherish them, make a habit of letting the words and actions you demonstrate reflect your love, not your anger, or impatience.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 03:09:03 +0000

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