Ive been thinking lately that our near future may not unfold as we - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking lately that our near future may not unfold as we think it might. Im speaking from a wide-scale viewpoint of the run-down to the Pole-Shift of the next 3 to 4 years. Some thoughts Im considering: - Will certain countries fall into war as they set their boundaries against aggressive nations like the U.S., China, Australia and Russia? - Will a certain currency, lets say the U.S. Dollar, become highly-devalued? - Will the public unrest we are seeing around the world expand into pockets of anarchy that will foil international trade and travel? - Volcanic ash is a deterrent to air travel, and as the volcanoes increase in eruptions, as they are now, will that break international trade, travel and economics, thus effecting local economies? - Will weather anomalies increase in intensity to the point where the effected citizens begin revolting as the governments bog down in disaster services? - The same with the previous question, a massive set of earthquakes could over-occupy a government as well: under pressure to perform, mistakes and poor decisions can be made that can be disastrous to the people involved who need assistance. - In the U.S., the republicans are advancing with the neo-conservatives in tow, will they break the country and cause a country-wide backlash theyll never forget? - How about if a U.S. president were to announce the presence of Planet X in the solar system? ...that will certainly create a massive draw on the banks, which will prompt periodic closures and some bank failures as well and in turn will infuriate the public probably causing a great deal of unrest to the already full streets of the roaming unhappy. - Consider the supermarkets, the department stores, the factories and warehouses, will they be ransacked and robbed at the prospect of hearing about a global disaster? - The worst of all will be when the public gets wind of the fact they have been lied to for over 30 years about Planet X and the Pole-Shift it harbingers. These are a few of the scenarios that could cause big problems for the preparing Planet X aware. It only takes a few hours for a citizen to realize after a Pole-Shift announcement by a U.S. president, that they need to get ready, likely panic and buy-out the local markets of foodstuff with their neighbors doing the same thing. Will the food suppliers re-supply the system, or shunt a large percentage that food, along with mid-level management/government, to their families and loved-ones instead? Im convinced that what I think will happen, is based on our orderly way-of-life conditioned by the ready availability of any kind of food we can imagine, government services falling over themselves to serve us (Canada), easy and flat roads, gas stations at most intersections, the mass inventories of the Walmarts and the Costcos and an Internet replete with a variety-of-goods available at the click of a mouse. These plushy conditions (with deference to the hungry, homeless and poor) are temporary and we must realize this. The problem is that we dont know when these conditions will go down, but go down they will, of this we can be sure. The fix for all this is actually simple: We have to do what we can now to prepare, and the other is to have confidence that we will survive the turmoil. If you dont have that confidence, you have the time now to build that up. One tool is to place your hand over your solar plexis when you feel fear, that will stabilize your system. There are many other tools available that are beyond the scope of this article. We can also preempt many problems by moving out of the city or z highly-populated suburb. Here some other ideas one may want to consider if you live in the U.S. and a big city during the run-down: Change your name and inform only those you want to know of the change. Be anonymous as much as possible. Use citizen band, HAM (handheld) to communicate with your group, if possible avoiding the use of cell phones. Avoid credit cards, use only cash. If you have to have a bank account, open another in a different bank and move your money around. Begin to barter for goods and services now, get used to it. Begin to eat more sensible food now, eschewing fast food like big macs, whoppers, KFC, twinkies, fatty foods and pizza. Look over your Facebook persona and remove unnecessary information. Tell no one of your food cash or your safe location. Always have a bug-out bag close-at-hand. Learn new skills that are commensurate with a pre-industrial society: sewing, butchering, fishing, boat building, cobb home construction, wood-fire oven building, horse, donkey, mule, chicken, goat and sheep rearing, candle and soap making, boat building, blacksmithing/steel casting. Seek out how to build wind and water electrical generating systems, natural potable water and sewage systems. Regarding personal security, I mention these things for those who are single or live alone somehow in the spirit of being careful but not fearfulness. To illustrate my point, here is a video taken of a fight over the lack of food, in this case a closed breakfast menu at McDonalds in Philadelphia on November 3rd, 2014: https://youtube/watch?v=cb9LcRP4BSU Overall, I feel the the After-Time will be a time of real-living. The value of all forms of life will vastly increase. Times of hardship will be more intense, shorter and will finalize sooner. Clock-time will become meaningless and time devices replaced with season-watching and sun-dials. A new form of Sun-worship will emerge. Water-source care, insect-keeping, animal husbandry, gardening, food-foraging and appreciation of the Sea and beach will find its way into our new cherishing. Families will become closer and communities will become like family. Dogs will have to work for their living and become prized and relied-upon spawning a new industry of the rearing of dogs. Fruit trees will be the new candy we all will look better, be healthier, leaner. Sound will also become so much more enjoyed, including home-made music, singing and drumming. The telling of stories will be admired and cultivated; a new theater of healing qualities will sound forth with laughter, singing accompanied with the fascination of listening children. The old ones will be appreciated too and with their death a resurgence of the wake.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:32:10 +0000

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