Ive gone back and re-read both Robert Tracinskis statement and - TopicsExpress


Ive gone back and re-read both Robert Tracinskis statement and Richard Gleaves statement regarding the current controversy surrounding David Harriman stating on FB that he is friends with David Kelley. As far as I know, Harriman has yet to come out with a statement of his own other than his announcement a few weeks ago. I was going to write a longer essay on this topic, but a sudden case of a severe cold and possibly the flu has delayed me on that, and also, and more importantly, there isnt anything new to add to the case that was made over twenty years ago on the same topic by anyone involved at that time. The only thing I could add is an assessment of the whole tolerationist views from the DIM Hypothesis perspective, and I can do that simply by stating that insofar as DIM categories tend to be stable over time, with some variations in the mixtures, that it takes a lot to change someones mind, especially if they are D2 (skeptical nihilists) or M2 (otherworldliness) and those people should be left alone to fend for themselves in reality without our help. The D1 knowing skeptics or the M1 worldly spiritualists might be reachable if they have enough integrations starting off. These might be presented with a better argument that they could become more integrated if they consider that to be a value. But I have to say that the best way to sum up the views of the opposition is that the Objectivist leaders, insofar as these exist in their minds, ought to grow up and learn to get along well with others and to put aside the fact that they think they have correctly identified the facts of reality and how a rational morality ought to be applied, and just become social metaphysicians putting the concerns of others above and beyond their own understanding of existence; which, I can assure you, is just not going to happen. Once one fully understands that the sun is the center of the solar system and the planets orbit the sun due to gravitational attraction as identified by Newton, why go back to the Earth centered model which is deficient? Ayn Rand came up with a much better philosophy than anyone on Earth, and these guys want those of us who take it seriously not to use our most rational judgement when it comes to dealing with others, claiming, in effect, that getting along with others is much better than being right. Personally, I will have none of that. I might still write up a longer report next weekend or later in the week if I have time, but I see nothing new under the sun when it comes to this controversy. I do think when it comes to FB associations that each person ought to judge their friendship circles by the most rational standard and what values they are getting out of their associations, but never put others or the fact that feelings might get hurt, never put that above and beyond your own understanding of the facts.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:57:22 +0000

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