Ive had a lot of failed friendships over the past few years.. I - TopicsExpress


Ive had a lot of failed friendships over the past few years.. I got told many times that Im the problem and that I need to change, I spent a lot of time dwelling on the past and the people I used to have in my life- Im finally at a place where I now know I am not the problem and I am disappointed in myself for ever letting these people make me feel that way. I am a good person, I will always go above and beyond for the people I love and the passions I have- I spent way to long chasing friendships that where so so bad for me, spending time with people who where so negative, selfish and overall hard work. Im glad to be done with that, Im glad to be at piece and most of all Im so bloody glad that I now have myself surrounded by the most positive, supportive, true friends.. And making so many new friends. Friendship should have always been this easy!!!! My home life is ten fold better, my house is getting an overhaul the cleaning is always done the time with the kids is so much more, I spend so much more time with them and doing activities and my husband is loving his happy positive wife with our marriage getting stronger by the day. I love my extended family and my almost two new sister in laws. I am so so lucky. Thank you so much to my friends and family for being here for me while I found my way. I love you.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:01:33 +0000

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