Ive laughed at and made fun of the ALS ice bucket Challenge . - TopicsExpress


Ive laughed at and made fun of the ALS ice bucket Challenge . Because its outrageous and silly . I like to laugh at things that are outrageous and silly . I can be harsh and cynical in my humor. I will not apologize for that. In one of my rants I mentioned that The only video you would be seeing me in on Facebook is one of me performing my music . Thats because Im comfortable in my music . I dont feel comfortable putting a video of myself on Facebook , I just dont . I also said that if I were to donate it would be privately. Thats because I know deep down, Im not able to be as generous as I would like to be. That being said I decided that this challenge that I have belittled , Actually is challenging for me. Since the person who nominated me Tom Rowan failed to give a time limit , I can still meet the challenge. Ive reconsidered, because I do care. There are times I swear I can feel the pain of everyone. So in the name of ALS Send your donations to , The ALS Association 1275 K Street NW Suite 250 Washington DC 20005 I still think its stupid to dump Ice water on your head and a testament to the dumbing down of america that it took a sophomoric thing that is the equivalent of a fraternity prank to get the attention ALS so direly needed . I will not nominate anyone . Do it because you want to . Thats why I did it . I will not speak in my Video . I said enough here. If you do make a video try to be informative . I cant tell you how many videos Ive seen that dont even mention ALS . if you dont feel comfortable making a public spectacle of yourself then dont . I dont care if you pour ice water on your head But Please donate if you can. If you cant afford to donate then please share someone elses video, awareness will still be spread ! And by all means make fun of it !
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:01:12 +0000

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