Ive long been sick of hearing about the subject of god.. God - TopicsExpress


Ive long been sick of hearing about the subject of god.. God this, god that.. God bless... My ass... Its ridiculous in my eyes. I believe there may be such a thing as gods, as well as other mythical being/celestial entities. But never will I revere them. I dont give one care how powerful they may be. They wont rule me. And I will not swear my allegiance to some deity. I may be a powerless mortal, but I still defy you. I have challenged the gods many times before. And where are they? Show yourselves... All of you mortals are nothing but cowards. I never understood this concept of faith you all hold on to so desperately. You fear and worship these beings. The gods are in their own realms. And they dont give a damn what happens to us. The judeo/christian religion seems to be the most popular for the last 2000 years or so. Perhaps giving the god, jehova/yahweh, domain for the while. Many think and hope to be saved by his grace. I however, have a suspicion, that he simply holds a wager with satan, on who can collect the most souls... As blasphemous as most people would think this sounds, I ask, why wouldnt this be conceivable? Have you met this god? Do people honestly believe what is written in the book to be truth? A book that has been constantly re written and changed by man, many times over... He may be a scheming god. As vengeful as he is made out to be, people still believe him to be truly benevolent. God has a plan for everyone, I dont buy it... Perhaps the gods see us as no more than specks. We are insignificant to them. Perhaps we are no more to them, as an ant is to a man. Perhaps god, could be likened to a kid with a magnifying glass, and we are the bugs. How dare they screw around with the lives of others? It reflects upon ourselves - How dare we, as humans continue to think we are superior to other lifeforms? Why do we continue to fight and kill one another? I believe I will never understand my own species. Why they choose to hurt, to condemn, arrogantly poke fun at others, and cast down others, for appearing, or thinking differently. They fear and hate what they don’t understand, what is different. That which they perceive as strange. If there were truly gods, where are they, while people suffer? While the government holds reign and continues to wage war for their own self interests, at the expense of other nations and lives... To fill their own pockets... Our world, our petty lives and circumstances mean nothing in comparison to the universe. You could disappear, the planet could turn to dust, and the universe wouldn’t notice. Everything is relative; there is no true meaning aside from what selfish manmade concept we use to make sense of our situations. No one wants to accept such a hopeless existence. To realize that they are truly alone. So they prey, in hopes that someone will hear them. This is strictly my opinion however. As everyone else has an opinion of their own. People just need something to believe in I guess, No matter how absurd or idiotic it may seem to someone else… Everyone is an idiot. As am I. And if you say you aren’t, you are perhaps the biggest one. There is no meaning to what we do. Everything is pointless. You are only here for a fleeting moment, so enjoy it for what is, right? A part of me still deems it as bullshit. The part of me that is always questioning. And that part always seems to be right in the end; About people, about the world… To have a train of thought such as that, many would probably question on why they should continue living. What’s the point. The point is, even if there isn’t anything truly extravagant in this world, even if it’s all a lie, and we are all alone, just keep living for yourself. Why kill yourself? To me, dying is also pointless. I would rather live forever, gain power to correct this world, and then set off traveling the cosmos for eternity and beyond. Were I to acquire power of my own, I would like to fix this world. Dismantle the worlds governments and the corruption they hold over it. Set people on the right path and punish those who deliberately cause harm and suffering for their own amusement. I would make them pay. I would also like to punch yahweh’s jaw clean off, if given the chance. And then head down to hell to beat satan into a bloody mess. If anything, I would like a chance at taking on the gods. Journeying to different realms… Exploring the many different heavens and hell realms. But that is just a childs dream. Power like that does not exist, and this world will not change. It will only get worse.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:26:55 +0000

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