Ive never posted anything like this in my life...but I feel the - TopicsExpress


Ive never posted anything like this in my life...but I feel the need to tell a few of the people in my life how I feel:) It has been the most difficult year of my life. The year started off with a very personal issue that had been lingering for the past couple of years. It devastated me beyond words. Lets just say...you have to follow your God given instinct in life no matter how unpopular the reaction my be from a few. But a lesson to many...never presume to guess the entirety of a situation unless you have experienced it first hand. I lost my dear mother in July and she was the last member of my immediate biological family. I dont have brothers, sisters or living grandparents...and, my father passed away in 1996. The loneliness hit me late summer/early fall as the antagonizing emptiness sunk in my soul. Michelle Krueger held my hand right after my mom passed and told me it would. No words can describe what it meant to me for Michelle to take almost two days out of her life to come and show her support at a moment I desperately needed a friend. I received so many calls and messages and I appreciate each and every one of them. However, there was one person that reached out to me miles away over and over...Danny Stockton I will never forget the compassion in your messages...thank you my childhood friend. Sheila Strassburg sent me many messages via facebook, and in one of her messages she explained the loneliness I would feel over the next few months after losing the last family member I came from. Sheila...I truly get it now. Wendi Russo, speaking to you about pageants and life in general, late summer/early fall, meant the world to me...it was always such a nice distraction at a time I needed it the most...thank you. I have four adopted children so I truly understand the Blessing of a family not biologically related. It is a special one in itself. I have told my children so many times....I chose you. You were a gift to me from God. And, God gave you a gift when He gave you our family. This fall in the middle of all my loneliness and struggles I finally realized what should have been apparent. A family is the people in your life that want you in theirs. At that moment I realized the friendships in my life that meant the most to me. They are the people in my life that make me smile when I get a text or a call. Monica Kline-Kazas...I love your many texts from NYC...your friendship and encouragement have made me smile on so many days that have been really difficult. You have been incredibly supportive of me over the past 2 years...I am forever grateful to you for that. I am ready to end 2014! I am excited to see what 2015 has in store. The more mountains you climb in life, the more spectacular the view. Thank you Jesus for one more year and the many Blessings....I pray for peace, health, friendships, family, and love for 2015. Happy New Year my friends!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:52:43 +0000

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