Ive noticed that ever since I moved to IL, I keep getting asked - TopicsExpress


Ive noticed that ever since I moved to IL, I keep getting asked about various local gym owners and trainers in the area and what do I think of them, or do I hate them, etc. I understand that for some people, competition means cutthroat attitude and if someone is a rival, theyre automatically youre enemy. I dont feel this way. Maybe its because I come from Orange County, where there is a different gym on every single street corner, so you have no choice but to get along with others. Either way, my view is this: if youre in the same industry as me, then we likely both have the same passion (I hope, if you arent passionate then that is its own issue). Were both trying to help improve the health of the community, and theres a niche for everyone. Competition is what keeps people on their toes and ensures good service. If youre the only person around, then you can get away with being utter shite and still have a healthy business, because your clients have no other options. When there are others who offer services similar to yours, it forces you to rise to the challenge to stay relevant. This is important and helps keep the standard of the industry high. One person I respect highly in the fitness industry is Luka Hocevar who lives in Seattle. He frequently holds seminars and workshops and INVITES other gyms in his area to attend, to become better coaches. In other words, not only does he not feel these people are his competition, but he works to help improve their quality of service along with his own. This is the best example of being truly passionate about helping people that Ive ever seen. And its safe to say, his gym absolutely kills it and is like a landmark in the Seattle area. So no, I dont hate someone for being in the same field as me. I might disagree with some trainers in their approach to health (and likewise, theres many others who I agree with and respect), but thats life, and certainly doesnt equate to hate. I hope to one day be able to help share my own approach with others who want to listen and help improve the quality of our industry out here too, because if were going to make Chicago healthy, its going to take a lot more than me doing it by myself. Better to focus on being the best YOU that you can be, rather than spending energy demonizing others and worrying about what THEYRE doing. Unless, of course, its Bikram yoga or juice fasting. Then, youre going to get me all writing an article about it and shit ;)
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 15:08:18 +0000

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