Ive seen a fair amount of movies over the past weeks Ive not said - TopicsExpress


Ive seen a fair amount of movies over the past weeks Ive not said a thing about. Steven Knights LOCKE (2013) was quite a showcase for Tom Hardy (wasted, utterly, as Bane in the DARK KNIGHT opus), and was a compelling enough one-man ride (though other voices—abandoned boss & co-worker, son(s), wife, and she-who-I-will-not-give-a-spoiler-bout—are critical). Knight plays his narrative and Hardy plays his emotional cards slowly, turn by turn, but what appears for a time to be a full boat ends up being two pairs and a spade, dramatically. Honorable outing and engaging while it unreeled, but its since evaporated for me. I was somewhat surprised, even given the constraints self-imposed by Knight, by the rather lazy imagery—I mean, why repeat the same shot of a traffic light, though theyre miles and miles apart? More of an interesting experiment than a movie Ill revisit or recall; in the annals of similar one-trick ponies, ROPE, PHONE BOOTH, LIFEBOAT, SECRET HONOR, LEBANON, DUEL, etc. beckon me back time and again, but I doubt Ill be back in the drivers seat with LOCKE.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:10:41 +0000

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