Ive spent several years researching Marxist and other Left - TopicsExpress


Ive spent several years researching Marxist and other Left literature. A lot of the most important titles are obscure and dont show up on a standard Web search. Thanks to comrades across the country and hours of flipping through the source lists in the back of books, I found the literature I need. few members of the group requested a reading list. I put together a provisional curriculum for a basic Marxist education. Ill put together a more complete list in the near future. I will provide publishers and authors names where I can. I hope some members will find this useful. Basic Marxism of Marx and Engels 1. Marxs Political Writings, 3 vols., Verso Books (includes the Manifesto, Civil War in France and most of the other foundational documents) 2. Capital, Marx, 3 vols. 3. Wage Labour and Capital/Value Price and Profit, International Publishers 4. Collected Works of Marx-Engels, 50 vols., International Publishers, Lawrence of Wishart, and Progress Publishers 5. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 7. Anti-Duhring 8. Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State 9. The Poverty of Philosophy 10. The German Ideology 11. Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy 12. Dialectics of Nature 13. On Dialectics 14. The Critique of the Gotha Program 15. Engels, Letters on Historical Materialism 16. The Grundrisse 17. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 18. Contribution to the Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right 19. The Tactics of Social Democracy (Intro to The Class Struggles in France 1848-1850, which is included in Verso 3 volume Political Writings) 20. Marx by Franz Mehring 21. Why Marx Was Right, Terry Eagleton 22. The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx, Callinicos 22. Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution, 4 vols., Hal Draper 23. Marx and Engels On Trade Unions Lenin 1. The Essential Lenin, Dover Books, includes State and Revolution; Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism; What Is To Be Done?; The Development of Capitalism in Russia 2. The Lenin Anthology, Edited by Robert C. Tucker, contains Left-Wing Communism in full but beware as much of the rest is heavily abridged 3. Two Tactics of Social Democracy 4. The Right of Nations to Self determination 5. Socialism and War 6. The April Theses 7. The Beginning of Bonapartism 8. Can the Bolsheviks Retain State Power? 9. Marxism and Insurrection 10. Theses on the Constituent Assembly 11. The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Government 12. The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky 13. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat 14. Communism and the NEP 15. The Foreign Policy of the Russian Revolution 16. Capitalist Discords and the Concessions Policy 17. The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism 18. Against Great Russian Chauvinism 19. Materialism and Empirio-Criticism 20. Women and Capitalist Production 21. Dialogue with Clara Zetkin 22. Letter of March 1919 to Krasin, January 1920 to Tomsky, July 1920 to Rothstein, May 1921 to Sokolov, January 1922 to Tsiurupa- all on the topic of bureaucracy 23. The Question of Nationalities or Autonomisation 24. Letter to the Congress (Lenins Last Testament) 25. How We Should Reorganize the Workers and Peasants Inspection 26. Better Fewer, But Better 27. Last Letters: To Trotsky, March 5 1923; To Mdivani and Makharadze, March 6 1923; To Stalin, March 6 1923 On Lenin 1. Lenin and the Revolutionary Party, Paul LeBlanc 2. Lenin Rediscovered, Lars Lih 3. Lenin, 3 vols., Tony Cliff The Russian Revolution 1. History of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky 2. The Bolshevik Revolution, 3 vols., EH Carr (part of 14 volumes covering 1917-1929) 3. The Bolsheviks Come To Power, Rabinowitch 4. The Bolsheviks In Power, Rabinowitch 5. From Lenin To Stalin, Victor Serge 6. Revolution in Danger, Serge, Haymarket Books 7. Year One of the Russian Revolution, Serge 8. Red Victory, Bruce Lincoln (Civil War) 9. Red Cavalry, Isaac Babel (Polish War) 10. White Eagle, Red Star (Polish War) 11. Kronstadt, Paul Africa 12. The Sickle Under The Hammer 13. Ten Days That Shook The World, John Reed 14. The Agrarian Policy of the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party 1905-1907 15. 1905, Trotsky 16. Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution (good source for info on Right Oppositionists) 17. Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory 18. Russia: From Workers State to State Capitalism 19. Economic History of the USSR, Alec Nove 20. The Russian Revolution in Retreat 1920-1924, Pirani 21 Russia in the era of NEP, Rabinowitch 22. The Baba and the Comrade 24. Soviet Economic Development, Maurice Dobbs 25. Bread and Authority in Russia 1914-1921, Lars Lih 26. Russia 1917-2000, Mike Haynes 27. Russias Cotton Workers and the NEP 28. Select Writings on Opposition in the USSR 1923-1930, Christian Rakovsky 29. Let History Judge, Medvedev 30. Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives, Cohen Trotsky 1. 1905 2. My Life 3. The Stalin School of Falsification 4. The History of the Russian Revolution 5. The Third International After Lenin 6. The Revolution Betrayed 7. Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects 8. The Transitional Program For Socialist Revolution 9. In Defense of Marxism 10. Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight it 11. The First Five Years of the Communist International, 2 vols. 12. The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 3 vols. 13. Marxism and Terrorism 14. On Black Nationalism 15. Trotsky on China, Pathfinder Press 16. On France, PP 17. On Britain, PP 18. The Spanish Revolution 1931-1939, PP 19. The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany, PP 20. Pathfinder Press 14 volume Writings of Leon Trotsky 21. Military Writings German Marxism and German Revolution 1. Rosa Luxemburg Speaks, Pathfinder Press 2. Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution and other Writings, Dover Books 3. Rosa Luxemberg, Froelich 4. Karl Kautsky and the Socialist Revolution, 1880-1938, Massimo Salvador 5. The German Revolution, Pierre Brogue 6. In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg: Select Writings of Paul Levi 7. Imperial Germany, Rosenberg 8. History of the German Republic, Rosenberg 9. Hammer or Anvil, Evelyn Anderson 10. Witness to the German Revolution, Serge 11. The Social Democratic Party 1905-1917, Carl Schorske 12. Iron Kingdom, History of Prussia Spanish Revolution 1. Homage to Catalonia, Orwell 2. The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain, Pierre Broue 3. Trotsky on Spain, 1931-1939 4. Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Spain, Felix Morrow 5. The Anarchist Collectives, Black Rose Books, intro by Sam Dolgoff 6. The Left and The Spanish Revolution, Bolloten Cuba 1. The Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution 2. Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959, Samuel Ferber 3. Che Speaks, Pathfinder 4. Che Reader, Ocean Press 5. The Economic War On Cuba, Monthly Review Press 6. Fidel Autobiography 7. Cuban Revolution: a critical perspective, Sam Dolgoff Portugal 1. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? 2. The Portuguese Revolution Ten Years On 3. Salazar: A political biography France 1. The French Revolution, Albert Soboul 2. French Communism in the Making 3. Prelude to Revolution: France 68 4. The Life of Jean Jaures, Goldberg 5. The Resistance: The French Fight Against the Nazi England 1. The Lost World of British Communism 2. History of the Communist Party of Great Britain, James Klugman 3. The World Turned Upside Down, Hill 4. The Century of Revolution, Hill 5. The Norman Conquest, Oxford 6. The Making of the English Working Class, Thompson 7. Trotsky on Britain Ireland 1. Captain Jack White 2. Writings of James Co molly 3. The Irish Revolution 1916-1923, Francis Costello 4. The Irish Communist Party, 1921-2011 Latin America 1. The Mexican Revolution, Haymarket 2. Nicaragua, Pathfinder 3. The Talons of the Eagle 4. Empires Workshop, Grandin 5. Open Veins of Latin America, Galeano Bulgaria 1. The CP of Bulgaria: Origins and Development, Joseph Rothschild Italy 1. Gramsci biography, Verso Books 2. The Italian Left In the 20th Century: A History of the Socialist and Communist Parties 3. Gramsci, Prison notebooks 4. Gramsci: Pre - Prison Writings Austria 1. Workers In Arms US Labor History and Marxism 1. Marxism in the United States, Paul Buhle 2. 10- volume US labor history, Philip Finer 3. The Fall of the House of Labor, David Montgomery 4. There is Power in a Union, Dray 5. Subterranean Fire, Sharon Smith 6. The Roots of American Communism, Draper 7. American Communism and Soviet Russia, Draper 8. Labors Giant Step, Art Preis 9. Revolutionary Teamsters, Palmer 10. Teamster Rebellion, Teamster Politics, Teamster Power, Teamster Bureaucracy, 4 vols., Farrell Dobbs 11. Unfinished Revolution, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln 12. Hammer and Hoe, Alabama Communists in the Great Depression 13. Out Now, Fred Halstead 14. The Party, Barry Sheppard 15. Revolution in the Air, Elbaum 16. The Fall of the House of Dixie 17. A Short History of Reconstruction, Eric Foner 18. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The prewar Republican Party 19. The Making of New World Slavery 20. The First Ten Years of American Communism, Cannon 21. The History of American Trotskyism, Cannon 22. The Struggle For a proletarian Party, Cannon 23. The Founding of the Socialist Workers Party 24. The Left Opposition 1928-1931, Cannon 25. The Communist League of America 1932-1934, Cannon 26. The SWP in World War Two, Cannon 27. The Struggle for Socialism in the American Century, Cannon 28. Speeches to the Party, Cannon 29. Speeches for Socialism, Cannon 30. Socialism on Trial, Cannon 31. Letters From Prison, Cannon 32. Notebook of an Agitator, Cannon 33. The Bending Cross, Ray Ginger 34. History of the Socialist Party 1897-1912, Ira Kipnis 35. James P. Cannon by Brian Palmer 36. The Forging of the American Empire, Sidney Lens 37. The Democrats: A critical history 38. Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology 39. The Populist Moment 40. A Peoples History of the American Revolution 41. A Peoples History of the United States 42. A History of Reconstruction by Eric Foner 43. Thank God Theyre On Our Side: The US and the Right-Wing Dictatorships, David Schmitz, 2 vols, 1921-1965 and 1965-1989 Will add more tomorrow including Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, the Comintern, the national question
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:49:08 +0000

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