Ive watched many bridges built in animal welfare over the years - - TopicsExpress


Ive watched many bridges built in animal welfare over the years - and I just thought it would be great to explain a few. When I first stated in Animal Welfare very few Councils accepted the idea of Rescue Groups. Animals were funnelled into the larger facilities such as the RSPCA or Lost Dogs Home, or the smaller local shelters. It seemed things ran on not many options and a fair amount of convenience. Now there are many Councils open and opting to work with Groups, offering agreements and proactively making friends with community foster care networks. And I am glad to say nothing will go back to the way it was - that is a nice strong bridge which will continue to grow and expand, and will become the norm, rather than the exception. They were hard and frustrating days early on, and all it took was one person to understand in Council or the Pound that this could make a difference at no cost to them. And so it did and thousands of companion animals are now being saved like this as a result in Victoria. When I first started out, there was little done in the way of flying rescue dogs interstate. I read alot about this happening in the US and in particular places like Thailand and Bali finding dogs great homes in other countries. I had friends in NSW, and we often organized for a dog to fly down to me. And then I started to fly dogs up to them. It sounds odd, but when you see a dog in a pound that you know someone can take, ie small dog rescue can take a small dog, but maybe not a cattle dog, or a bully breed - then why would you not try and save it? Years have gone by and I look at Rescues everywhere flying dogs around - saving lives. It has become the norm, not the exception. Saving lives expanded just a little further. And one of the biggest bridges, albeit a small but strong one came from RSPCA CEO Mark Townend who took a chance with me, and offered me a dog to come to RWL many years ago when the RSPCA door was firmly shut. That has resulted in a wonderful bridge being opened, and now, last year RSPCA Qld work with many rescues both local and interstate and over 800 lives were saved as a result last year. They have full time Rescue Coordinators who earn their weight in gold working with us. That has opened a massive opportunity now - as RSPCA NSW have started to do so on a coal face level and this will expand and grow where the relationship will become more valuable. Today I looked at RSPCA SAs post on FB about a gorgeous bub called Myron who was given his wings. It is not the normal piece I would imagine the RSPCA would put out in the past. It lauded a dog with no eyes and epilepsy and the wonderful life he had. It is not a sad story, but one of great love. I see great changes in RSPCA Australia - and there are chasms between states. But the change is there, and what is the exception will become the norm. While there are messes everywhere, in every section of Animal Welfare, I can say there has been some improvement. Significant - and often life saving. It is an extremely difficult, frustrating, hopeless/hopeful complicated, legal ridden, messy and sometimes personal road. But there have been changes. Lots for RWL. We work with other rescue groups often, and have always been told we dont play nice together. We have meet some wonderful friends who we stand beside. We have found voices in the media, through rallies and proposals which changed our legislatiion - bring you news and information that has set you on a path for change. Today I am picking up a little girl coming from an interstate pound. They rang me, and asked if we could take her. Those staff members I consider amazing souls doing a crushing job at times. I know their work with Rescue will continue. So please dont feel all is lost - it isnt. Every small break through, every small decision to help, work with and change is worthy. Dont waste time being angry with ex owners. Waste your time celebrating the work many many many people do. Believe me, theyre worth it.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 00:18:02 +0000

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