I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our circumstances. (Okay - TopicsExpress


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our circumstances. (Okay who am I kidding? There’s not an hour that goes by that it doesn’t at least cross my mind, if not kick off its shoes and stay a while.) But I’ve also thought a lot about you. Every one of you is either going through something now, or you have in the past, or will at some point in the future - some event that has shaken or will shake your world. My family certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on crises, although we may feel like it sometimes. We live in a fallen world and it’s full of evil and hurt. We’ve all experienced it. Several people have asked me how we do it; many have commented that they don’t know how we keep going. I’ll tell you. It’s the grace of God. For real. As our pastor stated this morning, God gives us grace WHEN WE NEED IT. Not before we need it, but exactly when. And His grace is sufficient. We’re currently studying the 23rd Psalm on Sunday mornings. Today we camped out on verse 4, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me.” Right now my family is in a valley, but we’re learning (thanks, Bro. Greg) that: 1) the darkness itself can’t harm us; 2) the valley, though deep, dark and mysterious, is also fruitful and full of nourishment; 3) we (the sheep) go THROUGH the valley, not TO the valley (in other words, we don’t go there to stay); and 4) the Shepherd is always there. Always. Robin’s going through a phase now where sometimes when someone other than family comes in the room she’ll close her eyes as if to suggest, “If I can’t see them they’re not really there and I don’t have to deal with them.” Seems kinda childish, doesn’t it? But then I find myself closing my spiritual eyes and pretending I don’t hear that still, small voice prompting me to do something, whether it’s to pay someone a visit, give a financial gift, take a meal to someone in need, share the gospel, or just share an encouraging word with someone who’s hurting. If I close my eyes to the prompting, I don’t have to deal with it. Robin still tries at times to “escape” out the back door. She doesn’t fully understand that she’s where she is in order to get better and stronger, and that the goal of everyone there is to help her get that way so she can go home. She still has lots to learn, even though she’s tired of being in the valley and wants to leave. We can’t live on a mountaintop all the time. The valleys are there, we’re gonna go through them; we just need to trust the Shepherd who’s there every step of the way. He knows what we need and when’s “enough”. I hope you know Him. If you don’t, I’d love to introduce you. Our choir sang this song this morning. It echoes my heart. Even in the valley, God is good. High upon this mounting the sun is shining bright My heart is filled with gladness here above the cares of life But I’ve just come through the valley of trouble, fear and pain It was there I came to know my God enough to stand and say, Even in the valley God is good. Even in the valley He is faithful and true. He carries His children through like He said He would. Even in the valley God is good. The road of life has led you to a valley of defeat You wonder if the Father has heard your desperate pleas, But there is hope in the rugged place where tears of sorrow dwell Can’t you hear Him gently whispering, “I’m here, and all is well.” Even in the valley God is good. Even in the valley He is faithful and true. He carries His children through like He said He would. Even in the valley God is good.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:58:41 +0000

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