JB Pierce People\Human Standards VS GDP. For the people who - TopicsExpress


JB Pierce People\Human Standards VS GDP. For the people who think That I am not serious or that this concept can work.It dont change anything except it makes all people Equal. GDP enslaves people to work @ Companies that are only for the bottom line.People\Human Standard is for Equality, Environment,Justice,for Evolution as A society,For Healthcare that is not imagined yet.It dont change the wealthy except that they pay their fare share to A more Social Society.They would make the same as Congress, And from what I hear that is around 170,000 A year.Now everyone is making 170,000 A year anyone 18 years of age and older.Now those people who are making over this amount now would keep that amount but the amount that is over is Classified as Business and can only be used for business no write offs. And taxed the same as People\Human Standards.The only allowance that would be credited is Child allowance because they are our future.This mindset is the only true way that A society can evolve. Take for instance Carrie makes the same as Joey,Carrie is A healthcare worker under GDP Carrie makes 7.25 cents and Joey make 1000000.00 dollars A year.Now take this concept under People\Human Standards,Carrie makes 170,000 and Joey makes 170,000 A year,Now Carrie can Afford her Taxes to the local state fed,Carrie can afford her Healthcare,Carrie can afford her living expenses,and Carrie can afford her A brand new car that gets 45 to 50 miles to the Gallon,now this is called evolving as A society, Carrie could only afford a 1995 model vehicle before,that only gets 22 miles to the gallon and always breaking down.Now lets get to Joey he is making 1,000000.00 but as the Standard goes Joey makes 170,000 and the other is classified as Business and taxed the same as the other Standards, Lets say Joey is an artist he can invest in his materials from the amount that is left over from his extra money, now lets say that Carrie always wanted to be A writer and writes childrens books this gives her the revenue to forward her dreams.I hope you see that the People\Human Standards works for all not just the chosen few , SO AS A Society we need to evolve and stop the discrimination, I can give the rest of the details if asked please ask.JBPierce
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:44:26 +0000

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