JEB BUSH AND COMMON CORE - PARENTS PLS EDUCATE YOURSELVES! There is significant resistance to Common Core in Florida, where Jeb Bush was once governor. Florida has a very strong environment of school choice, which means that parents have the freedom to select the best school and learning paths for their children. If a homogenized, one-size fits all curriculum is forced on Florida schools, it will effectively render all of that worthless. Florida’s education reform has been working just fine, so why would they want to take a step backward and give back so much gain? Why is Jeb Bush pushing an agenda many parents and organizations don’t want pushed on children? Jeb Bush is simply going along to get along, because he wants so badly to be President. He also thinks that the average citizen isn’t smart enough to educate their own children, which is the same reason why a lot of leftists want common core. Parental choice will go away completely if we allow Common Core to become fully federalized. Here are some facts about Common Core that you should know: Common Core is a K-College set of national education standards for English language arts and mathematics classes that was developed by Achieve Inc., and promoted through the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officials, both of which are private-Washington DC based trade organizations. They actually call it “Common Core State Standards”, but it was never certified by any state. A lot of states have been duped into signing on to Common Core back when the Department of Educations Race to the Top program started in 2009 and 2010. This was just a ploy to give out federal dollars for each state, but the requirement was to accept Common Core when it finally came out. Common Cores English and math standards were not yet written at the time, thus these states never saw the standards when they agreed to them. These standards are copyrighted and thus cannot be changed. However, a lot of states are now rejecting Common Core and refusing to accept the money bribe. Common Cores subpar English Language Arts (ELA) standards intend to remove the great British and American literary works of William Shakespeare, John Bunyan, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, T.S. Eliot, and C.S. Lewis. These literary classics will be replaced with simple brochures, restaurant menus, technical manuals, and government pamphlets about the environment and sustainability from the Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of literature will no longer be to expand childrens creative thinking, critical thinking, and vocabulary skills but rather to turn students into useful components of a managed world economy and labor market. As a result of the poor quality of Common Cores ELA standards, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, of the University of Arkansas, who served on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to sign off on them. Current state math standards will likewise be dumbed down by the new Common Core standards. Dr. James Milgram [as well as many other Graduate level Professors] of Stanford University, the only mathematician on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to sign off on Common Cores math standards, stating, Its almost a joke to think students [who master the Common Core standards] would be ready for math at a university. Among the states that have agreed to implement Common Core, Minnesota has refused to sign on to the math portion. In addition to Minnesota, other states have become aware of the adverse effects of Common Core and thus opted not to agree nor accept them at all, while a few of those that initially signed off on them have now withdrawn. Alaska, Nebraska, and Texas refused to participate. In Indiana, Governor Mike Pence signed a bill to delay implementation of Common Core until after a study committee reviewed it. Utah has withdrawn from the assessment consortium aligned with Common Core and will be holding legislative hearings to pull out of Common Core. Similar legislation has passed in Missouri, requiring the states Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to hold public hearings on the Common Core State Standards in every congressional district. South Carolina has legislation pending to completely withdraw from Common Core, and the state of Virginia has withdrawn altogether. These states well know that any Parent-Teacher Associations will cease to exist if Common Core is allowed to become fully federalized as a National Curriculum and thus we will no longer have any say in what is taught to our kids! To learn more about Common Core we encourage you to watch all 5 parts of the documentary Stop the Common Core, starting with Part 1 here: youtube/watch?v=coRNJluF2O4 We need to force the Senate to introduce and/or support legislation to stop any federal funding for the implementation of Common Core. Parents will be watching and voting for those that fight against Common Core.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:33:52 +0000

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