JESUS DEVOTION(5/12/14) THEME: PRESS ON TOWARDS THE GOAL. TEXT: l press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philpians 3:14 After a student had successfully finished a race in the first place, in their District school competition, he had the opportunity to speak about how he was able to win the race; and the first word was the PRIZE. So one of the officials askedhow? And the student said l was able to win, not because am the best,and it wasnt easy for me though, l faced many challenges, but l had my eyes fixed on the trophy and the scholarship to be given to the winner of the race; I had to do whatever it takes to win this. I trained hard, and did every other preparation that will help me reach my goal. Apostle Paul writing to the philipians, Said his goal was to know Christ, be like Christ and to be all Christ has in mind for him. Paul said, not that he has already obtained the goal, neither was he already perfect, but he forgets what is behind and strains towards what is ahead of him, the prize for which God has called him heavenward in Christ Jesus. As Christians, it doesnt matter how dramatic your coming to know Christ was, we were called differently, but the goodnews is that God called us through Christ for the same purpose, to make us perfect in christ to inherit eternal life. Then we have to let go of what is behind, our past sins, failures, disappointments (we have all done things for which we are ashamed,but realise that our sins was nailed to the cross, you have been forgiven, let go of our past, let go of anything that will distract you from being focused. Dont dwell on your past achievements, nor take glory in them too, ln effect Paul, is saying a christian has to forget what he has done and focus on what he has still to do. After, we then have to stay focus, concentrating on what lies ahead. There is a greater glory ahead of us,a joy awaits us, after our struggles, hardships, and pains, His promise still stands; And knowing this, We need to endure, persevere as an athlete does, and until you touch His promise Never quit. Remember, until That day, the christian life still stands and we must forever press on, till the day He will say unto usThou good and faithful servant. Have this mind and you will never grow faint. PRAYER: I ask that the Lord help us all to fight the good fight of faith, IJN, AMEN. Pastor Justin Hayford Assemblies of God, Ghana 0242681252 (whatsapp) Kindly share this message for the benefit of others.. God richly bless you. Shalom
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:59:43 +0000

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