JESUS SAYS, “YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!” “In a large degree through our PUBLISHING HOUSES is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with GREAT POWER AND WHO LIGHTENS THE EARTH with his glory” [Revelation 18:1].--7T 140 (1902). {LDE 214.2} “The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earths history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more ANXIOUS TO SEE A WIDE CIRCULATION FOR THIS BOOK than for any others I have written; for IN THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, THE LAST MESSAGE OF WARNING TO THE WORLD IS GIVEN MORE DISTINCTLY THAN IN ANY OF MY OTHER BOOKS.”--Letter 281, 1905. {CM 127.1} “The book The Great Controversy, I appreciate ABOVE SILVER OR GOLD, and I greatly desire that it shall come before the people.”--Letter 56, 1911. {CM 128.3} THE GREATEST RESULTS FUTURE. The results of the circulation of this book [The Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But a much larger number who read it will not take their position until they see the very events taking place that are foretold in it. THE FULFILLMENT OF SOME OF THE PREDICTIONS WILL INSPIRE FAITH THAT OTHERS ALSO WILL COME TO PASS, AND WHEN THE EARTH IS LIGHTENED WITH THE GLORY OF THE LORD, IN THE CLOSING WORK, MANY SOULS WILL TAKE THEIR POSITION ON THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AS THE RESULT OF THIS AGENCY.”--Manuscript 31, 1890. {CM 128.4} Come invite others to join “Great Controversy Project” – After joining you can add your face book friends – just go the box that says [add people to the group] – begin with the letter “a” and add those you wish to add of your face book friends whose name begins with the letter “a” continue with some or all of the letters of the alphabet in the same way. https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ “This is a work that should be done. The end is near. Already much time has been lost, when these books should have been in circulation. . . . Scatter them like the leaves of autumn. This work is to continue without the forbiddings of anyone. Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven.”—The Review and Herald, August 13, 1908 &. CM 25.1
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:44:59 +0000

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