JESUS (The prophet isa almasih)among the holy book quran and the - TopicsExpress


JESUS (The prophet isa almasih)among the holy book quran and the gospel fundamental difference muslims and christian,only lies in the standpoint of jesus. In view of christians jesus is considered as child god and even as a god. Is in islam (Quran)jesus is as apostles messenger god is in gentlemen in the islamic teachings. Even the Quran explained...Anauthorized faith a muslim ,if not air faith in the apostle(Jesus/isa almasih)that in gentlemens. Then why jesus is called god..? Whereas from birth he is not god. Even in gospel marcus :12(28-29)described by jesus when people Saduki (israel)asked : Law whether the most important..? Jesus replied : Hear o..people israel...Allah,god wes one(a single). Love your god with a bunch of all thy mind ,with all your strengh ,with all your mind. And the law that the second : Love your neighbor like you love yourself. This is the law of the most major said jesus. Ago people israel was called on : True once your words it TEACHER.! They call jesus with a call Teacher and not call the God. Jesus the same as apostles Mohammad as the road safety to the Gods,without going through the past two apostles antecedent sent on the people of her this to get to the road to the god it. Unfortunately his Paul has been misleading christian,citing jesus as a child god and even as a god.It is pricisely for people who have a mind strong and scientific,in the gospel of a lot to explain will come her an entertainer and the spirit of the truth,he was the prophet mohamnad
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:47:53 +0000

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