JNN News Update August 9th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, - TopicsExpress


JNN News Update August 9th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel Pray without ceasing. 1st Thess 5:17 ROCKETS LAUNCHED ON ISRAEL AFTER CEASEFIRE EXPIRES: IDF RETALIATES: As the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire expired at 8 am on Friday, Gaza terrorists launched a barrage of rockets on southern Israel. As of 10:25 am, the IDF was holding its fire. Shortly after, political sources said the prime minister and defense minister ordered the military to decisively respond to Hamas breaking of the ceasefire. The IDF began attacking Gaza around 10:40 am. By mid-afternoon, Hamas had fired more than 40 rockets into southern Israel. Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an IDF spokesman, said: The renewed rocket attacks by terrorists at Israel are unacceptable, intolerable and shortsighted. Hamas bad decision to breach the cease-fire will be pursued by the IDF. We will continue to strike Hamas, its infrastructure, its operatives and restore security for the State of Israel. Indirect talks underway in Cairo yielded few results. Israel is demanding measures to prevent Hamas from rearming and, eventually, the demilitarization of Gaza. (Ynet) MIRACLE IN SDEROT-ROCKET HITS HOUSE, BUT NO INJURIES: A rocket fired from Gaza scored a direct hit on a house in the embattled Israeli city of Sderot - but miraculously no injuries were caused as the residents were out at the time. However significant damage was caused to the property itself, and police were called to deal with shrapnel from the rocket. Terrorists usually pack Gaza-made Kassam rockets with nails, ball bearings and other pieces of shrapnel to maximize the lethality of the missiles. Several other rockets fired at the same time landed in open areas. Earlier Friday, two Israelis were injured as Gazan terrorists resumes rocket fire shortly before a 72-hour ceasefire with Israel expired. (INN) As the Gaza conflict resumes, continue to pray that Hamas rocket attacks against Israels Negev communities and across the country will fall short of civilian areas, and for the infallible accuracy of Israels Iron Dome system. LAWMAKERS ACROSS ISRAELS POLITICAL SPECTRUM CALL FOR STRONG RESPONSE TO RENEWED HAMAS ROCKET FIRE: Lawmakers from across the political spectrum weigh in on the appropriate response to renewed aggression by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Some of the comments were as follows: Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett said This is a test of Israels deterrence in the coming years, and the response must be tough. Bennett added that Operation Protective Edge is not over. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Labor), said Israel will continue to respond with strength to any shooting from Gaza that threatens the Israeli public. You cant complain about Israel when Hamas continues to shoot and wont accept the ceasefire proposed in Egypt. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Zeev Elkin (Likud) called on the government to immediately respond to the rocket fire. Apparently, the only language Hamas understands is that of the IDF. There is no point in continuing talks in Cairo. Blackmailers and terrorists only understand strength and the time has come that we take that simple truth seriously, Elkin stated. (Jerusalem Post) Continue to pray for the wisdom and strategy of all of Israels government and military leaders as Israel deals with unrelenting antagonists and terrorist murderers piloted by Hamas. REPAIRING THE SCARS OF ROCKETS: Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge more than 3,300 rockets have been fired from Gaza at Israel. Homes, medical clinics, and businesses have faced significant property damage from rocket shrapnel literally falling from the sky. This is putting a tremendous strain on many in Israel who were already struggling with poverty. Contributions to VFIs Victims of Terror Fund allow us to reach out and help refurnish damaged homes, provide extra medical assistance for those suffering from mental stress, and also help restock medical centers with emergency supplies that are being used up at an alarming rate during the current crisis. Teams from the Joseph Storehouse continue with our daily outreach to households and communities suffering from poverty - with a special focus on the elderly and single parent families who are especially vulnerable during this crisis. Please make a much needed donation now to our Terrorist Victims Fund and Emergency Aid. Your donations are vital and appreciated at visionforisrael. For residents in the UK and outside N. America visit our website at josephstorehouse.co.uk. ITS TIME FOR REAL VICTORY OVER HAMAS: The former head of the Shin Bet, Israels internal security agency, wrote on Friday that the time has come for real victory over Hamas and other jihadist forces holding sway in the Gaza Strip. As the 72-hour ceasefire crumbled and Hamas resumed rocket fire on southern Israel, Dichter insisted that any further long-term truce negotiations simply must include the demilitarization of Gaza. Hamas must be defeated in a military sense. And expecting Hamas to agree to that conclusion is nothing short of delusional, said Dichter, meaning that Israel or some other force is going to have to enter Gaza and defang the terrorists. Fridays renewed rocket fire on southern Israel had resulted in damaged to a number of civilian homes, and at least two people - a soldier and a civilian - were wounded. Israel waited over two hours before finally responding to the renewed rocket fire. Hamas said that it was willing to continue truce negotiations even as its forces attack southern Israel, but Jerusalem recalled its delegation to the Cairo talks as the nation geared up for another round of fighting. (Israel Today) SWEDISH POLITICIAN QUITS FOLLOWING ANTISEMITIC FACEBOOK POST: A Swedish politician resigned following sharp criticism after he wrote on Facebook that Jewish pigs are responsible for mass murders in Gaza, according to the English language Swedish website The Local. The entire Muslim world is sitting and watching while our brothers and sisters in Palestine are slaughtered by the Jewish pigs, Omeritat wrote on his Facebook page. His Facebook page also included a flag used by the Islamist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a local paper reported. The post quickly became public knowledge, and the politician came under fire for his choice of words. On Tuesday, it was announced Omeirtat would be stepping down from his position. Antisemitism has reared its ugly head in Europe throughout the operation in Gaza, mostly in the form of anti-Israel protests, some of which turned violent. One protest in Paris saw hundreds of Muslim extremists attacking a major synagogue in Paris, with worshippers trapped inside. In Berlin, footage of one such protest showed hundreds of demonstrators chanting in German, Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own. (Arutz-7) OBAMA AUTHORIZES AIRSTRIKES IN IRAQ TO COUNTER ISIL/ISIS TERRORISTS: US President Barack Obama announced Thursday: Today I authorized two operations in Iraq - targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death. In recent days, these terrorists have continued to move across Iraq, and have neared the city of Erbil, where American diplomats and civilians serve at our consulate and American military personnel advise Iraqi forces. To stop the advance on Erbil, Ive directed our military to take targeted strikes against ISIL terrorist convoys should they move toward the city. Stranded on a barren mountaintop, thousands of minority Iraqis are faced with a bleak choice: descend and risk slaughter at the hands of the encircled Sunni extremists or sit tight and risk dying of thirst. Humanitarian agencies said Tuesday that some 40,000 civilians remain trapped on Mount Sinjar since being driven out of surrounding villages and the town of Sinjar two days earlier. There are children dying on the mountain, on the roads, said the Iraq representative for the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). There is no water, there is no vegetation. They are completely cut off and surrounded by Islamic State. Its a disaster, a total disaster. Meanwhile, Islamic State fighters on Thursday seized control of the countrys largest Christian city, Qaraqoush. They told its residents to leave, convert or die, which sent tens of thousands of civilians and Kurdish fighters fleeing from the area. (White House/Washington Post/CBS) TROUBLING DOUBLE STANDARD: OUTCRY OVER GAZA DEATHS BUT NEAR SILENCE OVER IRAQ, SYRIA: From Iraq comes news that 40,000 Yazidis, a religious minority chased from their homes by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), are dying from lack of food and water. These stranded refugees are in danger of joining, in harrowing numbers, the 6,000 other Iraqi civilians butchered this year by ISIS. No less victimized at the moment are the Kurds, gruesome photos of whom were paraded by ISIS on Twitter, and Iraqs Christian communities, decimated in the recent blitz of Mosul. Renounced even by Al Qaeda for its brutality, ISIS is making life unlivable in Iraq and beyond. Of course, its not just the regions religious minorities facing expulsion and massacre. The Syrian civil wars death toll has exceeded 170,000. Conservative estimates count civilians a third of the total dead, including 15,000 women and children; others have reported a much higher percentage of innocents. Children are still the primary victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria and in South Sudan, and if anyone thinks that innocent civilians are being spared daily horror in Libya, Mali, Eastern Ukraine and North Korea, they havent been reading the news. The protesters, commentators, NGO workers, human rights activists, and others, who spent the last month vilifying Israels campaign in Gaza more than Arab regimes did, are not ignorant of these non-Gaza tragedies. Many of those who found themselves more outraged by Israel than by ISIS are, in fact, educated, globally-engaged westerners who sincerely believe Israels war against Hamas violated morality and international law. One main reason for this is plain old antisemitism, masquerading as anti-Zionism. Observing mass protests, where Europeans hurl firebombs at local synagogues to protest decisions being made 2,000 miles away by a government in Jerusalem, one can see the worlds oldest hatred at work. (Fox) NETANYAHU: THE BATTLE AGAINST ISLAMIC TERRORISTS: WILL SOON COME TO A THEATER NEAR YOU: Israeli PM Netanyahu said in a media interview Friday that the threat from Islamic terrorists is real, and will spread to other countries if the terrorists are not stopped. This is a danger Ive been pointing to, its not a spin, its not a whim, it is a clinical diagnosis of a pathological movement that is sweeping our area but will soon come to a theater near you and it has to be stopped now. Netanyahu said the terrorists are under Irans nuclear umbrella, adding, If Iran itself can intimidate the US with intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads, then we bring history into a different threshold altogether. (Fox) He shakes the nations in the sieve of destruction. Isa 30:28 JOIN US FOR THE 2014 SUCCOT CELEBRATION IN JERUSALEM: This years Vision for Israel Succot Celebration will take place October 12-14, 2014 at the Pavilion Center in downtown Jerusalem. Visit our Succot Celebration website where you can find out more information, catch glimpses of planned events and reserve your spot. To obtain further details, go to succotcelebration. Dynamic speakers and worship leaders for this years prophetic celebration include: Lance Lambert, David Herzog, Barry & Batya Segal– with many more to come. If you were coming to Israel in the summertime but had to cancel your trip, why not join us for Succot? The suggestions, opinions and scripture references made by JNN writers and editors are based on the best information received. Barry Segal with the Editorial Staff Keep informed on breaking Israel-related and Middle East news. To subscribe, at no cost, to twice weekly mailings of JNN News go to: jnnnews HELP DEFEND ISRAEL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow JNN updates on Facebook and Twitter you can like and retweet items you feel are important to share. Also, you can share video reports on our YouTube channel. We are also on Google+, Linkedin, Tumbler, and LiveStream. Dont underestimate how much this can help
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:00:39 +0000

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