JOHN BLAKE OF CNN: ON FERGUSON: ITS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT RACE WATCH FOR RACIAL GRIFTERS Assumption No. 3: Its always about race Some see another type of frightening scenario for America based on Ferguson. To them, its premature to say that Darren Wilson, the Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown to death, was motivated by racism. They see Ferguson as a stage for the rise of racial grifters. Thats the term John Nolte, a columnist for Breitbart, uses to describe leaders who rallied to the side of black protesters in Ferguson. They go into these areas and scream racism before the facts are out and all of a sudden, theres a racial issue, he says. They grift on race to profit from it, like Al Sharpton. Nolte rejects the notion that some white Americans fear the nation becoming a majority brown country. He says he was one of a handful of whites who lived in a Latino community in Los Angeles for years, and he never had a problem. His wife is Latina, and his extended family has people of all races. He says hes pro-miscegenation, a term he borrows from his late friend, Andrew Breitbart, because ultimately people are people. The American people get along very well, Nolte says. Its only when you have situations like you have in Ferguson -- and the racial grifters move in and the media moves to back them up -- that things turn into what they do. Nolte says theres a hidden motive behind the furor in racial flashpoints like Ferguson, and that media organizations like CNN are complicit. He says the furor over the black teenager Trayvon Martins death in Florida took place just before the last presidential election. The uproar over Ferguson is taking place just before this years midterm elections. If these things arent happening every few months, if we start to heal and look past racial divisions, the Democrats lose 25% of the black or Hispanic vote and theyre done as a national party. The country wont get past its racial divisions anytime soon because its the only way Democrats can win, he says. Theres too much profit in it for the racial grifters and the media for anyone to try to heal us, he says. We never talk about how far weve come. Racial divisions will remain a permanent part of Americas future as long as the media tells black people that the criminal justice system is stacked against them, says Ben Shapiro, author of Bullies: How the Lefts Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America. According to a 2013 report released by the Missouri attorney general, African-Americans are highly over-represented in crime statistics. They accounted for 93% of arrests after traffic stops, 92% of searches and 86% of traffic stops in Ferguson. The cure is not to tell people that the criminal justice system is stacked against them; the cure is to minimize criminal activity and identify lawbreaking officers and prosecute them, says Shaprio, who is also editor-in-chief at the online magazine TruthRevolt. Shapiro says he is more concerned about another way America may decline in the future: the erosion of values like hard work, marriage and education. The reality is that if you want to escape poverty, you only have to make a couple of decisions: Finish school, dont have a baby out of wedlock and get a job -- thats it, he says.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 01:26:32 +0000

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