JOYFUL MYSTERIES - REFUSES TO BE ON MONDAYS AND SATURDAYS 1 ANNUNCIATION the Blessed Virgin Mary The entire rosary is actually ongoing mystery of the Annunciation. Even considering about the Garden of Gethsemane , on Calvary and resurrection , constantly repeat the words of the Annunciation : Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. The Rosary is the mystery of God , which enters into force on Mary that her selects , appoints the Blessed Mother and always connects with Jesus. All other mysteries are , after all a continuation of the mystery stepping into the human world of our Creator. We are aware that the words of the Archangel Hail Mary , full of grace , the Lord is with you were prophetic . Mother of God she lived in a world of Herod and his soldiers , selfish hosts, before closing her inn in Bethlehem. She lived in the world of the Pharisees , Pilates , in a civilization where a woman did not mean much. But the grace he has received from God was more powerful than all her opponents and all the hardships of her womens lives. My greeting The Lord be with you is repeated today God to each of us , because all are appointed and bestows grace. Man can be the grace scare . But it can also muster a special kind of courage. For each of us, in fact , as once to Mary , addressed words : Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God. How many times do we recite the rosary , so often we touch the mystery of the Annunciation, in which God intervenes in the life of Mary, as well as in our own lives . It is He who calls us to faith , He gives us hope. Our Blessed Mother , pray for the gift of holiness for us and for those we entrust to you . 2 VISITATION OF ST . ELIZABETH That haunting is not just a meeting of two ordinary , yet extraordinary women in their everyday life very , somewhere on the outskirts of the world. The mystery of visitation because it is a celebration of Jesus haunting . Jesus yet unborn , and already present in the womb of Mary . Jesus comes not alone, but through a man - his Mother . In the Old Testament, God has always manifested itself in a storm , lightning , earthquake. Jesus first comes to people by a man by the Mother . Again, He comes to us by our mothers . Im still owe the beginnings of life and faith. The mystery of visitation closes the ball, seemingly , one of many , but its progress has become an event for the whole of humanity. We also constantly meet with someone . Can we bring him to Jesus? Good News about Him ? Or have you ever thought about the fact that visitation is secret and that it is possible for someone to visit , did not visit him ? It is impossible to come to any patient in the hospital or the knock to all who are in need. But each of us can haunt your prayer even the most remote areas. It can also implore Gods mercy for those who need it most. Our Blessed Mother, pray for us . 3 BIRTH OF JESUS Mary pondered in her heart the mystery of the birth of the Son of God . They met in the consideration of her heart , her feminine curiosity , her human reason . For us, such a meeting is not easy. Sometimes we notice that something else tells us the heart, and another reason . Totally in love with the person we sometimes question: where are you , O man , you have eyes ? The human heart does not mean , moves to survive and commits silly sometimes . How often do we experience Christmas only with the heart , all the shrugging . Or how often we enter into the holidays with a heart desperate , lonely , with frost and no snow . Meanwhile, the Mother of God on the meaning of this event mused and pondered them in her heart . God became man so that man could live beautifully and be happy, here and in eternity. It is difficult - and this is what the Gospel tells us - connect heart and mind to penetrate deeper into the meaning of this great mystery of Christmas. It is difficult to not only confine to the emotion , but to discover in it the treasure of Gods love for man and the most beautiful idea for human happiness . In exploring this idea to life , temporal and eternal , he wants to help us , Mary . Our Blessed Mother, pray for us . 4 The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Let a fairly simple question: Do you know how to give anything to God ? Do you know how to give him a piece of your life time ? Sometimes getting to us a reflection or prayer in which we mindlessly repeat the words of the prayer , it makes sense . She does not bring us closer to God, but only tired . Prayer is always a sacrifice to God our time . Difficult prayer , which I do not want , or I earn on her suffering, sometimes the victim . Blessed Mother offered to the Lord Jesus. Did I can offer to God a half-hour , ten or five minutes out of your a busy life? Do you know how to offer to God , for example , a sudden desire to judge others, or the nascent me , sometimes very great anger ? Do you know how to give something back to God selflessly ? Mary came to the temple and offered God his Son . Do not hid him under a shawl to keep to themselves , limiting the offer to God prescribed two pigeons. She offered Son, your everything. Let us pray this mystery , that our hearts were sensitive and open to the Loving and God waiting for us , but for other people. Let us pray also for the conversion of our own and those who with his pride and selfishness of human hurt and hurt . Our Blessed Mother, pray for us . 5 FINDING OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE Mary was looking for twelve Jesus for three days and three nights. When he went to the desert , worried about him . The Gospel says that once looked for him at home, where nauczał.Towarzyszyła him in the way of the cross. When I stood beneath the cross , and it seemed to her that this compassion is with him as close as ever in Bethlehem , He , dying , pointed at John and said, Behold your son. So he sent her to the man. Note that the Mother of God has always come Jesus , while He told her to look for himself among the people . Look for him in the temple among teachers , between oppressors on Golgotha , and the Apostle John, in all of us . Sometimes a man would turn away , run away from bad people and associate only with good Jesus. Meanwhile, he says that we have to seek Him just among those around us . What it can be difficult ... Mary! Plead for us the grace that we were able to find Jesus even when the hurt of others, or where to meet us harm , we were able to repay the hatred with love and patience. Our Blessed Mother, pray for us .
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 03:35:21 +0000

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