JULY 2013 GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY PREPARATORY CLASS Rev Chris Oyakhilome. SUBJECT: WORDS. GROWING IN GRACE - Peter 3:17-18 - Every Christian must work on growing. One of the ways you can tell you are growing is by seeing the results. Because in the physical body you do not see the evidence other than signs (The shoes grow, the clothes become too small etc…). Spiritually is the same: there are signs to know if you are growing: ü Are you excited about the Word of God? ü Are you excited to be with the brethren in demonstrated love? If you are growing you will be happy about your brothers and sisters in Christ. The more faults you find in them, the less you are growing. Don’t be too busy to watch yourself and check if you are growing. Use the indicators of God’s Word to guide yourself. The more you grow, the fewer faults you find in others. You see less and less of their imperfections. Be full of love in such a way that their faults just disappear. Don’t think too much to the point where you stop studying the Word of God. Don’t be worried and troubled. Stop on your tracks and make an adjustment; change your way of thinking and grow in grace. The more you know Jesus, the more you are like him. The more you look into His face, the more you see yourself; the more you will display his love and his life in you. You must pray to have more passion for Christ. Let Him grow in you continually. The more passionate you are for Jesus, the less you consider other things and the less you consider yourself. Consider Jesus in your life, in dealing with other people and when you think of your brothers and sisters in Christ. It will light up your life and make you truly happy and joyful. The more you look at His face in the mirror of the Word, the more you will enjoy him and have rich fellowship with Him. WORDS. Definition. Sensible sounds of a language through which messages are communicated and can be identified by natives of the same; (Natives of that language). The purpose of the class is to help the individual member to understand the value of words and how to use them. It’s like learning the value of money. If you do not know the value or use of money, you the value of words and how to use them, you will have an extraordinary life of success. God from the very beginning demonstrated for you to see the value of Words and how to use them. - Genesis 1:1-5 – Note that just because God is with you doesn’t mean that everything will be alright. The world was in a shapeless form and chaotic form though the Spirit of God was there. This was so until God said: “Light Be!” He spoke. That was when the first change came as He spoke definite words. Notice that God had to separate the darkness from the light: that was a real MIRACLE. If you, Man, were looking from the other side of the way God saw, you would see darkness because only God could see the light with the eyes of faith. - 2 Corinthians 4:4 – God commanded the light to shine out of darkness. It doesn’t matter how dark your world is and how dark the situation is, light can come out of that darkness: God proved it. - Genesis 3:1-8 When God made Man, he was supposed to receive spiritual information and not sense information. In your life you are called to live by what you hear from above and not by what you imagine, think, assume, observe or see because it is a very dangerous way of life. You are to live by everything that comes out of the mouth of God. God never asked Adam “how did you know?”; he asked him “Who told you?” Don’t live your life by wordly and human wisdom. Rather live by the Word of God and by the Holy Ghost. God manifested and revealed himself first by Words. When He gave Adam an instruction: it was with words; when He came looking for Adam, it was the Voice. - Hebrews 11:1- The worlds where framed, prepared, fashioned, mended and prepared (katartizo) by the Word of God. God can change destinies. Here the Word is not talking about the world of physical things. He is dealing with a course of life. When God wanted to change situations and circumstances, He used Rhema: Spoken Words of faith. Genesis 1 was not really a work of creation; God was speaking them in the being and making the plans of the universe. The creation started at verse 27. - John 1:1-12 – When the Bible talks about the word of God, it are not dealing with sentences and units of a language. It deals with something bigger than the human imagination, which created the world. Whenever you want to do something, always ask yourself: What does God want? Find out if He gave a pattern to follow and follow it. Don’t please yourself and do what you want; study His word and find out what He wants. God gave you a mouth to say whatever you want; but is that what He wants? That you would talking whatever you want? What is His will? - Words are primarily for creation, communication and expression. There are those who don’t realize that words are used for creation as it is shown from the Scriptures as it was pointed out in this class. The ministry of Jesus used words in changing things, raising the dead and healing the sick.He multiplied fish and bread with words, healed the lame, healed blind eyes with words. He spoke to the winds and the waves and they were calm. ü Romans 10: 9-10 – The Bible shows the value of words even in salvation. ü - Matthew 12:37 – If you will go to Heaven or to hell, it will be by your words. Confession (Homologea) means you say what God has said in agreement with Him . ü 1 Peter 1:23 – we were born again by the word of God. Every living thing must remain connected to its source for its continued existence. God in Genesis 1:11 – vegetation and landscape all come from the ground. Then the seas from the waters. V21-23 – the fish cannot live out of water because that’s where they came from; they have to remain in water to survive. nor the seeds from the ground. V24-25 - The cattle must remain connected to the earth to survive. V26 (creation of Man) --->Genesis 2:7 (formation of Man) Man’s spirit came from God and His body came from the earth. The spiritual being of Man came from the word of God and that is where your life came from. That is why sin is spiritual because it is the breaking of spiritual instructions to spiritual being; this is why carnal things cannot take away sin. It took the blood of Christ, who Himself is God to cleanse. The salvation of the human person has to be spiritual. When sin condemned man and God had to bring a spiritual change, it had to be from the Word. That’s why Jesus came; He had to be from the word so that Man can live again from his Word. You came from the Word and are a product from the Word; the Word died for you and made you a product of the Word. But now you live by the Word and you are of the Word. You are God’s Word in flesh today. The only way you can live in this world is to live and talk the Word of God. This is your life and that which you are supposed to live. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT WORDS? ü John 15:7 – The Word must abound in you that you may ask. ü Psalm 107:17-20 – He sent His Word and healed them. ü -Hebrews 4:12 - God’s Word discerns ü -Hebrews 13:5 – God’s Word doesn’t forsake 4 IMPORTANT THINGS ABOUT WORDS. 1. Words are vehicles that transport or transmit faith (Romans 10:17) or fear, love or hate, life or death. When you speak what do your words transport? Matthew 12:36 2. Words are seeds that produce after their kind and what they say. Luke 8:11 – the seed is the Word of God. 3. Words are amplifiers that amplify and reveal thoughts and character. 4. Words are conduits and pipelines for impartation. If you live by these points will begin to lead you into a new area of understanding of words. - Genesis 17:1-6 Abraham’s life changed drastically by what God told him. Genesis 25---> Genesis 27 – Esau sold his birthright because he took words lightly. Genesis 27:18-32 / Hebrews 12:16-17 – Those who have no value for words will suffer for it; just like those who have no value for money will always be broke. The blessing belongs to the one who has the birthright. That’s why we are joint heirs with Christ. -Revelation 12:9- every time we break bread you show the lord’s death until He comes. We have the Word of our testimony. - Psalm 119:89 – God’s word is settled in heaven. That’s what Isaac knew. He was aware he was the one to settle God’s word in the earth and he did. As far as God is concerned, His word is settled in Heaven. What will you do with the Word? - Hebrews 13:5-6- agreeing with the Word and confessing the Word are two different things. Most of God’s people who know the Word agree with the Word but don’t confess it. That will not bring a change to the situation they are facing. The Word must be spoken to produce results as seeds must be sown to have a crop. Agreeing with the Word just means that you have seed and doesn’t mean that the seed is sown. Example: “they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.” Everyone agrees with that but just because they are excited about it and quoting it does not mean anything. It’s seed but won’t produce any crops until they are sown. - Isaiah 54:13 – you must plant this seed for it to work. You can get excited about it and teach it but until you sow it you won’t get a crop. How many moms and dads can take these seeds and sow it? Analogy of money – learning the value of money and how to use it shows the difference between the rich and the poor. The poor are not people who don’t have money; they have but don’t have value for it and don’t know how to use it. It is the same concept for those who are poor with words. - Hebrews 13:5 – you have to make a bold confession. Example: “my children are thought of the word and are raised of the Lord and great shall be the peace of my children”. The Holy Spirit will teach them and raise them. Parents must be in agreement with that no matter what they think or see so that the Holy Spirit is not grieved. Personalize the Word. Keep saying, don’t stop talking it so it can produce the crops and cause a harvest for you. - Psalm 37:4 – Personalize it. Sow words and make declaration in the context of His own presentation. It is creating a mentality in you and forming a character in you and your life will go in the direction of the Word. - Proverbs 3:5 – Personalize it and speak it aloud. God directs your path because his Word is for you to live out. You are the new creation you don’t live in the promise. - Psalm 138:8 – I can never go amiss or astray. Speak in tongues for he perfects that which concerns you and your life is perfected. - Colossians 1:10-14 You have to put yourself in the Word and use it in the first person. Personalize it. - Ephesians 1:17 – watch the tenses when you are confessing and speaking the Word. Say “I have; I am” – you will have more and more revelation. -Philippians 4:6 – I refuse to be anxious for anything. Move from agreeing with the Word to sowing it. Your tongue gives direction to your life. Until you say it, nothing will happen. - Colossians 2:10 / 1 Peter 2:10 – speak the word to yourself and personalize it. Read it in the first person. Don’t struggle with your faith. ASSIGNMENT - Pick and write to yourself 10 scriptures as they are in the Word; either from the New Testament or the Old Testament. Besides them, write them in the first person and speak them to yourself. QUESTIONS SEGMENT - Global classroom test will hold tomorrow during the church service. It will be 20 minutes long. The website is loveworldglobalclassroom.org – it is based on teachings we have had since the beginning of the year. If you have never used the internet, pastor will read out the questions to you and you will have to answer. The pastor will score and marked them and send the transcripts to Rev. Whatever information that will be necessary will be sent to the pastors or posted on the CEPF Online. - The test for today’s class will be online on Monday July 15th at 6pm Lagos time (GMT+1). - Teenagers online conference will hold on Saturday July 20th. - August 16 to August 18 will host the High Life Conference at the O2 Arena at 5pm daily. - Please download new messages online from the Android App. If you have the App, please share the app with all those on your contacts. Whenever there is a new message, you will receive a notification. Pastor Chris Digital library is the name of the app. There is also a special one for pastors only which will be on the CEPF Online. - “Join this Chariot”, “Don’t stop Here”, “Healing from Heaven” and several others are now available as audio books. Please order them as you can now listen to the content of the books being red to you. - Until the outline is released and placed on the site, do not try to teach the subject. This is important because materials are added to the message and there is a way it is arranged for the Bible Study class. It Is given to you raw because you are leaders but when teaching the brethren it has to be softer and more gentle. Any Bible class study teacher or leader who did not participate in the Global Class of the month must not teach the class. QUESTIONS - The minister was not wrong to pray to Jesus to lead the people to Christ. There are greater and lesser truths. The lesser truth is not necessary a lie because it is still backed by the power of God. Example: salvation. The pastor operated at a lower level of knowledge and was in ignorance of a greater truth. It doesn’t mean that the people did not receive salvation. God does not punish for the lack of knowledge, but the people will have problems and struggle for the lack of knowledge. God always wants to bless his people despite their ignorance. - Wrongly spoken words can be corrected and the earlier you correct them the better for you. - The Holy Spirit kept the record of the book of Genesis 1 to 5. Moses wrote Genesis by revelation of the past and John had a revelation of the future to write Revelation. Paul had a revelation of the night Jesus was betrayed. Prophets can have a revelation of the past, present and the future. Jesus, who was also a prophet, told of the days of Noah by revelation. Some things cannot be known other than by revelation.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:44:11 +0000

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